Confessions of an



by Terri ann heiman

As this podcast goes to air, we are moving through some very interesting times. We are in the energy of late summer. The moon is growing in light with a full moon in Pisces coming in on the 2nd of September, illuminating deep thought and intuitive guidance along with the vibrations of Virgo… all of this […]

As this podcast goes to air, we’ve just moved through the energy of a new moon in Leo… a time to set your intentions for your path. It’s a time to roar. To awaken consciousness and align with your soul’s purpose. In the week ahead, we move into Virgo energy, allowing you to ground your […]

As this podcast goes to air, we are in the energies of a dark of the moon with a new moon in Leo coming in next week. It’s definitely a time to let go of old ways and dig deep and open up to you, your Spirit… your guidance. It’s a time to take responsibility for […]

As this podcast goes to air we are in the energy of what is known as the Lion’s Gate. It’s a period of time between 7/26 and 8/18. But it is most intense on today… 8/8. The Lion’s Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. It’s an activation […]

As this podcast goes to air we are moving into our next full moon. The sun sign is in Leo and the moon is full in Aquarius… a reflective time time to nourish our creations and break through our limitations. Aquarius energy teaches us to break free of our limitation and the social norms to […]

As this podcast goes to air, we have just started a new cycle… the new moon came in earlier in the week. With it came some great cosmic forces with feelings and vibrations of forward motion. You may even experience heightened emotions during the next two weeks, especially ones that feel more energetically intense like anger, […]

As this podcast goes to air, we are in the last phase of this moon cycle… also known as the dark of the moon before we arrive at a New Moon next week in Cancer, twice in one month, but no eclipse this time. We still have lots of planetary conditions going on to recognize. […]

As this podcast goes to air, we moving through some pretty intense times with what seems like… no answers in sight. How are you able to make sense of these times in your life? How are you finding the answers you need? We’re in the last quarter moon, which is a time of releasing, of letting […]

As this podcast goes to air, we are at the third eclipse and a full moon! I can hear the spirits howling. Joking… but it is a time of intense messages coming forward for all of us. What are you picking up on? How are you noticing these cosmic forces for you? The eclipse energy […]