Coma and Near-Death Experience –The Beautiful, Disturbing, and Dangerous World of the Unconscious

As this podcast goes to air, we are in the eclipse portal of energy. We had the full moon lunar eclipse on Monday and the total New Moon Solar Eclipse is coming on April 8th.

The Eclipse portal of energy is a metaphor for the profound aspects of attention and awareness. It’s a time when hidden truths can be revealed, and new realities can be shaped. This metaphor mirrors the transformative journey that we are all on, helping us discover new aspects of ourselves.

Eclipses are often times of revelation, as well as the burial of secrets, and are reminiscent of the activity of the human psychological shadow. 

It’s important during these next 2 weeks to notice what’s going on. Notice what you are involved in, how your emotions are, what your spiritual practice is showing you, and what you keep telling yourself over and over. 

There is definitely an accelerated period of high vibration. You are being given a window into your higher life path. What does that mean for you?

Ready to break free from the past? Lunar eclipses are powerful teachers. They bring things to the surface to be cleared away, and something new can take root in your life. 

Do you need some guidance on how to make these changes, how to slow down, and how to bring in the messages of your soul?

I have a few openings in my private mentoring Empowered Spirit Program.  A program where I help you re-pattern and learn tools and techniques to break free and create a new path to empower your body, mind, emotions, and Spirit. Schedule a Spiritual Makeover Breakthrough Call with me and let’s see what the #1 thing is that you can do to break these old patterns. 

Today on the show, I have an interesting and very controversial subject well, not for me, but for the medical community. My guest is Alan Pearce. He and his wife, Beverly,  are both investigative reporters who, during COVID-19, started investigating and examining the disturbing and in some cases beautiful experiences of those who have survived comas. In their book, they explore the mysterious levels of consciousness this near-death experience unlocks. They also share proven alternatives to medically-induced comas that are safer for treating critically ill patients and kinder for the patients and their families.

In this interview we talk about near death experiences, sleep, comas, consciousness, psychedelics, death, and the idea that our soul lives on and on and on.

Alan Pearce is a journalist, broadcaster, former BBC correspondent, and author of several books. He has contributed to numerous publications, from Time Magazine to The Sunday Times of London. He lives in Nouvelle Aquitaine, France. His current book is, Coma and Near-Death Experiences – The Beautiful, Disturbing, and Dangerous World of the Unconscious which is the subject today.

Website Podcast YouTube Book-Inner Traditions. Facebook


Question that came up in the conversation:

  • Where are memories stored?
  • What happens when we die?
  • Why don’t we automatically have access to this information?


We need to slow down more to understand the Soul.

As Alan tell us, he never set out to write a spiritual book. It was an investigation into a highly dubious medical practice, but its an investigation that led him deep into the non-physical realms.

He spoke with so many who died and came back. He spoke with others who traveled to otherworldly realms through meditation or psychedelics and who reported similar events to those in prolonged deep sedation.

Coma is truly a doorway to other realities.

Our lives don’t end.  We are here to learn and grow. Consciousness goes on and on. It is uplifting for the Spirit. 

Be sure to check out their book and share it with anyone you may know who has been in a coma, critical care unit, or had a near-death experience.

It is time to break these old ways. 

Thanks again for listening. 

To your Spirit,


PS.. Reiki 1 Certification – April 13th at The Yoga Circle

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Episode Credits:

Sound Engineer: Laarni Andres https://www.facebook.com/laarni.andres.7

March 30, 2024


Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader

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Coma – with Alan Pearce




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