As this podcast goes to air we have just moved through the Spring Equinox which means we are officially in the energy of Spring.

Spring is filled with so many beautiful colors emerging into the world. It’s like all the colors of the rainbows were buried under the earth doing winter and down here that come… emerging from Mother Earth.

Maybe you notice this with your energy as well. Your aura is filled with light and color. Color is not just a visual experience but also a form of energy.

It’s a manifestation of your energy and what you are taking in and giving out.

Light is energy in motion… happy.. sad.. stressed or happy. You can learn to empower your energy, to radiant your light and protect your light as well.

The auric field contains information about your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

I believe that the colors and patterns in the auric field can provide insights into a person’s state of being and can be used for healing and spiritual purposes.

Your aura is the blueprint of your soul. It is the first line of defense for your physical presence.

I see this with my clients. I work with a lot of empaths who come in drained and tired.  Their auras are dimensioned and they wonder what’s wrong.

Your aura is constantly changing depending on .. YOU!

In my recent Masterclass, the Aura of an Empath was about the way in which you can control your energy and the auric field that surrounds you. It takes slowing down, which is another thing I am noticing: people are having a hard time slowing down and focusing.. also a result of what you are pulling into your aura.

The relationship between color and energy lies in the fact that color is a manifestation of energy which we will talk about in our episode today.

When light interacts with objects, it can be absorbed, transmitted, or reflected.

Our aura also absorbs, transmits, and reflects. It’s the blueprint of our soul and our first line of defense.

What are you absorbing in your aura?

What are you reflecting out to the world?

Colors and patterns in the auric field can provide insights into a person’s state of being and can be used for healing and spiritual purposes.

Colors can evoke various emotions and moods, which is why I started learning about color.

I was moody all the time and couldn’t seem to control my energy.

So, I started studying light and color.

I began to sit in a room with light projected all around me.

Here’s what I noticed:

Too much blue… made me too blue and sad.

Too much green … envious and jealous.

Too much red… angry and full of fire ( and always seem to bring on a speeding ticket.)

This taught me to slow down… lol .. find balance in the color and energy I was taking in around me… sitting in a room or outside in my environment.

Purple and orange… feed my creativity and open my crown to spiritual knowledge.

Yellow was cleansing and awakening.

Indigo blue at night was calming.

The colors around us feed our aura.

The energy of light has a significant impact on our emotions and perceptions.

Our aura holds this information and we can learn to work with our aura.. to cleanse it.. to strengthen it.. to focus it and protect us.

Spring is here and it’s full of beautiful colors.

What is fueling your energy today?   

You can learn to master your energy. In my Empowered Spirit Private mentoring program, I help you to understand how all this relates to your energy ad the way in which you show up.

Do you feel lost in transition? Maybe you have gone through a loss, a divorce, or a job change and feel unsure of yourself. Or maybe you are ready to create a daily spiritual practice but don’t know how. In my private mentoring with you, I help you build the skills you need, energetically, working on the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual layers. We create a new blueprint for your aura and your physical world to help you show up feeling empowered, radiant and confident in your life.

I have some new opening for the spring season. Schedule a Spiritual Makeover Breakthrough call with me and let’s see what the #1 thing is that you can do to empower your life in this new season.  Click here.

In today’s episode, I bring this idea of color and light forward with my guest, Heather Eck. Heather is a Synesthesia Artist & Color Alchemist,whobrings extraordinary color insights, perspectives, and wisdom to everyone around her.

In this episode we talk about art, the creative edge, art as spiritual work, color, therapeutic art, standing on the edge of creativity, and how art is a spiritual process. 

Heather Eck, (HeatherEck.com + HeatherEckStudios.com) Synesthesia Artist & Color Alchemist, brings extraordinary color insights, perspectives, and wisdom through her unique approach to perceiving, creating, and healing through her artwork. Her background as an HR Manager and Certified Authentic Leadership Coach, ACC, combined with her unique gift of synesthesia, gives her a special skill to communicate, in simple terms, the hidden dynamics and solutions to everyday challenges through clairsentience, intuition, and color reading. As an expert on color, chakras, spirituality, and energy healing, your will gain tips and new tools to uplift and inspire you heart and mind.

Heather is a renowned and award-winning artist, intuitive, thought leader, spiritual intuitive healer, passionate coach, and facilitator. Her work has been exhibited in more than 25 shows, and she offers an inspiring perspective on connecting healing through color, symbolism, and form. Her Instagram channel has over 4k followers, and she mentors hundreds of color lovers and students worldwide in her private Facebook group, The Color Club. Her original art, spirit portraits, art retreats, and courses are available on her websites. Instagram. Facebook. Freebies.

We need beauty, art, and music. Let your light shine by sharing your creativity.

The colors that you see around you are offering you loving messages, inspiration, and empowerment that come through signs, symbols, and color. 

Notice what it means for you!

Be sure to check out Heather’s work and her free offerings.

If you are ready to learn more about how you can strengthen your aura and master your energy, schedule a Spiritual Makeover Breakthrough call now. Click here.

Thanks again for listening!

To your Spirit,


Find me on TikTok

Follow Terri on Instagram

Episode Credits:

Sound Engineer: Laarni Andres https://www.facebook.com/laarni.andres.7

March 23, 2024


Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader

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Color, Light & Art Alchemy with Heather Eck




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