Are you looking for a magical place to shop and hold space? Check out Ritual+Shelter online or in Homewood, Alabama. Browse through their bookshelves, which cover topics such as Energy Healing, Reiki, Chakras, Auras, Accessing the Akashic Records, Shadow Work, Astrology, and Earth-Based Healing.

You can also find herbal teas and tinctures alongside crystals and oils to help establish a mindful mindset and fluid ambiance before meditation, ritual work, and reflection.

Ritual+Shelter is dedicated to providing one-on-one, in-depth conversations with customers to help them find the most efficient healing methods and resources that match their unique interests and energy. They offer Tarot sessions, Reiki, sound bowl, and Crystal healing. Visit ritualshelter.com to book an appointment and bring peace back to the body, mind, and spirit. Or find them on Instagram at @ritualsheltershoppe           Sagittarius Full Moon Witchcraft 101 – Wed, May 22 at 6pm.

As this podcast goes to air, we are moving through this last part Spring, as it’s getting close to Summer. The cosmos has been alive. Planets are direct. And, the sun has been releasing solar flares. Even down here in the South, we were able to see the northern lights. Pretty fascinating skies with all these cosmic forces.

I think almost everyone is feeling the intensity of life right now.  Lots of deep feelings and changes are coming forward.  Most of us are still repatterning our paths from all that has occurred since the pandemic.  Maybe we aren’t talking about it, but it did create lots of instability, social insecurities, and fear. Many people are still finding themselves isolated, working online, not having to go to the office, resulting in some old habits that maybe aren’t so healthy.

This time of year, as the temperature rises and layers of clothing come off, it can bring up even more insecurities about our bodies. Yes, for me, it’s swimsuit season, the outdoor pools open up, and yikes, body confidence is at play.

Do you suffer with this? Does this add another level of stress and panic to your day?  Do you walk into your clothes closet and have a panic attack or perhaps start the critical talk?  Nothing fits. I look horrible.. these jeans really make me notice this muffin top.. yeah I could go on… I’ve been there.. said it all to myself.. but the truth is.. it doesn’t work. Famous researcher Dr. Brene Brown talks about this.. when we shame ourselves It perpetuates the cycle.  We continue doing the same behavior over and over.

It’s time to break the cycle.

Every year around this time, I start to stress about that bathing suit. I love to swim in the cool waters with the sun on my back so I know it’s important for me to shape up without the shame and “fat talk” as I talked about in last week’s episode.  Its time to find ways to ShapeShift this energy and empower that inner voice to feel inspired to take action. 

I know I’m an empath, and recognizing I am an emotional eater helped me to get out of the gap from where I was to where I wanted to be.  This is how I created the ground breaking energy psychology technique called GAP-Tapping™.

Gap tapping™ is based on Emotional Freedom Technique but we specifically look at what traps you in that gap… all that stuff that you have associated with the foods you love to binge on and cravings that keep you in front of the refrigerator at night. 

The GAP holds deep stuff and that’s what we target in my 7-Weeks of Soul Work: ShapeShifting course.  ShapeShifting out of the old pattens that keep you stuck into the Wild Woman of Summer. .. an archetypal energy that helps you breaks the habits, shape up and feel inspired to live your dreams. 

Summer is about fun, growth and brings forward the divine feminine. Why not turn it into an adventure with some shamanic tools and energy psychology techniques.

Want to know more.. join me for my free 4-Day GAP Tap a Thon.  During the Tap a Thon Challenge, you will:

  • Day 1)Clear the mindset that keeps you stuck and addicted to food
  • Day 2)Reprogram the emotions that stop you from having the life and body you want
  • Day 3) Discover techniques to get out and move the body
  • Day 4) Learn why you crave certain foods and a GAP tapping technique to clear it

Don’t let your dreams die.  Bridge the GAP for your path.   Register here.

In today’s episode, to help us reinforce this idea of ShapeShifitng the body .. in non traditional means… is a way to improve your radiance and the radiance of you skin. My quest is Dr. Anna Margolinz and her new book co authored with the amazing Chi Kung Master, Mantak Chia. The book is titled Chi Kung for Radiant Skin – Taoist Secrets for Inner and Outer Beauty.

What a delightful conversation we had and so many great tips we can do at home.  In this episode, we talk about Chi Kung, the skin as a protective organ,  skin, aging and practices you can do to counter this, inner smiles, the gua sha, sexual energy and how you can show up beautiful and radiant no matter what age you are.

Anna Margolina, Ph.D., is a scientist, spiritual teacher, and Chi Kung and Universal Healing Tao instructor. She has a master’s degree in medical biophysics and a doctorate in biology from the Russian Medical State University, Moscow. For more than 20 years she has worked as an adviser for cosmetic companies in the United States and Israel. She lives outside of Seattle, Washington.

Website Instagram Facebook Book Inner Traditions

The skin is the largest organ of the body. Chi Kung is about working with “chi” energy for all the health of all the organs. The skin is on the outside and is a protective organ.

If you believe you have beautiful skin how do you show up?

Or if you believe you have ugly skin, how do you show up?

The Inner Smile a breathing technique that connects with all the organs. We breathe and reach inside and nurture them with love. Skin is an organ, and it is going to age. Skin has weight and it is pulled down by gravity.  Worry, sadness, can wreck havoc on th skin and pulls the face down. The Inner Smile and Skin breathing create a beautiful and glowing radiance and lift the energy up.

Skin breathing…Breathing without breathing ..(micro cosmic orbit) opens the skin so that energy goes in and rushes to the pores.

 we can learn to do … 

We can learn how to work with this connection for inner and out beauty.

Sexual energy – love – heart connection- A powerful energy that allows us to create sexual energy – combine love, unconditional love, and sexual energy you can create an elixir of energy for every cell, look vibrate, beauty elixir within us. 

Radiate your true essence. Walk into a room and shine with your spiritual beauty and be proud of who you are at any age .. vibrant and radiant. Dr. Anna

Cosmetics can’t do it all. We can learn to work with our spiritual energy to radiate our beauty.

Thanks again for listening!

To your Spirit,


Follow Terri on Instagram

Episode Credits:

Sound Engineer: Laarni Andres https://www.facebook.com/laarni.andres.7

May 18, 2024


Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader

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Taoist Secrets: Inner & Outer Beauty with Anna Margolina, Ph.D




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