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As this podcast goes to air, we’ve moved through the Taurus New Moon, a time of setting new intentions, of recognizing the growth you’ve been through this spring and how you want to move forward. Most of the planets are direct, except Pluto.. hopefully you are feeling this direct motion in your life.
It’s easy to get sidetracked.. to doubt this growth and to talk yourself out of everything. The critical voice can become loud, especially when you start to take new directions in your life.
As I was talking about last week, as we approach the summer, confidence around your body can start to come in. I know it does for me. The weather is getting warmer, layers are coming off and shorts and tank tops are coming out.
Does this ruin your summer? Does it create stress in your closet? Is it messing up the start of your day? And what about that mirroring.. really looking at yourself. It can get easy to use zoom filters .. know what I mean?
It’s time to stop the panic and stressing.. you’ve probably been criticizing yourself for years.. has it worked?
Do you notice this destructive part of your psyche that misuses power? Or maybe harbors feelings of resentment towards others… or perhaps even lust or greed? Or maybe even some self hatred?
Yes.. that’s the energy of the Sorcerer at play… a destructive force of energy that gets in the way of you living the life you want this summer.
The Sorcerer holds an energy of dark power. She represents this destructive energy that we can sometimes find ourselves in.
This archetype of the Sorcerer symbolizes unconscious beliefs and ideas that foster separation, conflict, and lack.
When the sorcerer shows up notice how your beliefs around scarcity and self-centered fear manifest in your life.
What is it that isolates you from others.
As you recognize this, know that the Sorcerer can help you to challenge these feelings and disrupt your mindset.
But there is a lighter side to the sorcerer that you can activate through recognizing this distruptive force of energy… that’s were shapeshifitng comes in …
shapeshift your thinking and get you out of this mindset and into the abundant flow of energy…
The energy of the Sorcerer can shifting to finding your charisma to work with the higher vibrations of summer and the Wild Woman energy.
This is where the energy psychology for shapeshifting begins.. shifting from the negative low vibrations to more positive and higher vibrations.
According to an article from the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (2019), “Energy psychology methods gently and swiftly release traumatic events that are frozen in time in the body-mind system.”
Energy psychology and healing alchemy are shapeshifting.
The Article continues to say that Energy Psychology (EP) “models have been beneficially applied to assessment and treatment of trauma, anxiety, depression, pain, stress, psychophysiological issues, and self-sabotaging behaviors by a broad range of healthcare providers, to regulate affect and promote emotional and physical health,.” Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (2019)
It’s about changing the consciousness structures that make up your identity. These structures can often be dense and self-limiting, creating barriers that hinder growth, evolution, and expansion.
Your physical body loves you unconditionally. Even if you judge your body, even if you reject it and don’t like it, your body is completely loyal to you.. Don Miguel Ruiz
Talking about our bodies is like an unwritten rule in sisterhood. Many of us do it constantly and automatically: “I feel fat in these jeans,” “I’ve put on so much weight,” or “Gosh, my skin looks awful today.”
Talking about your looks might seem like a way to bond with your sister, friend or child, but it’s worth considering what effect it could have.
A study of female college students, published by the Psychology of Women Quarterly, found that 93% engaged in this type of talk – dubbed ‘fat talk’ – and a third did so regularly. The study found those who complained about their weight more often were likely to have lower satisfaction with their bodies – irrespective of their actual size.
Words can have a huge impact on our self-esteem.
It’s a pattern we have to break especially within ourselves.
The article goes on to say that just three minutes of “fat talk” can lead to women feeling bad about their appearance and increase their body dissatisfaction, Making the effort to cut it out should make you feel better about yourself. In turn, others will pick up on the more positive language and be less likely to put themselves down.
The words we use when talking about our bodies can damage our self-esteem and confidence.
However, you can shift this and shape the conversation for a more healthlier outcome.
Peer-reviewed professional journals have published more than 100 research studies demonstrating the effectiveness of EP therapies. Importantly, this includes not just one-offs and case studies, but more than 50 randomized controlled trials, 40+ outcome studies, and four meta-analyses. (A meta-analysis depends on a pretty large group of studies, which are combined in order to draw conclusions with greater confidence.)
By using techniques of Energy Psychology, like EFT, you can shift, you can transmute, and transform these mental constraints on the mind into ones that allow for more openness, flexibility, and freedom.
In the practice of EFT, Energy Medicine, and healing alchemy, shapeshifting can take many forms, including working with the body’s energy centers and the chakras, using visualization techniques and mindset techniques.
The goal of EFT and shape shifting is to bring about a more expansive and transformative experience, leading to greater levels of consciousness and personal growth.
Overall, Eft combined with the shamanic practice of shape shifting becomes powerful toosl for you if you are seeking to move beyond your current limitations to unlock your full potential.
The energy psychology behind EFT that really works for shapeshifting is an inherent quality of energy that allows you to transform your identity structures and transmute the lower frequencies of your being. As you free the mind of limiting beliefs and detach from old patterns you become present to your current choices… not the choices and habits of your past.
Energy is fluidic and shapeshifting involves constantly transmuting the frequency of energy to establish new forms and identity structures. So as we apply EFT we release these lower vibrations to create new neuron pathways… and you get to set the direction of these pathways…
One of the things I’ve been developing with EFT to help Empaths with emotional eating and body confidence is called GAP Tapping.
GAP Taping, as I have begun introducing to my clients, focuses on the space … the gap… between where you are and where you want to be.
I am feeling out of shape…….. I want to be in shape.
I am feeling lazy……. I want to be motivated
I am feeling unattractive……I want to feel attracted.
We look at al the “stuff” that is going on in this gap.. where’s it coming from… what’s the root… what’s the hurt, the emotion … what is the connection that keeps you stuck in the gap?
So, using the idea of the Wild Woman of Summer—as an archetype—can inspire you to show up this summer. You get to decide the details, but once you have a vision of her, you feel the emotions, you embody the energy, and this creates a vibration for you to resonate with. Your mindset starts to shift.
GAP tapping can help you visualize new levels of understanding for your path. This process enables you to move beyond self-limiting beliefs and evolve.
We have the ability to shapeshift physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually throughout our lives. We are constantly evolving and adapting to our surroundings, and this allows us to grow and develop as individuals.
We can harness the power of shapeShifting to transmute the dense and limiting aspects of our consciousness and continue to evolve and expand.
Do you identify as being more sensitive than most people to physical sensations? Do you often use descriptive words such as “feeling drained,” “overcome with emotion,” ”heavy with grief” or “tugging on my heart?” Are you feeling stuck with traditional talk therapy? If so, you may be a good candidate for GAP Tapping.
Unlock your power of energy mastery and learn the art and science of shape-shifting.
It’s never just about the food or how much exercise you are or aren’t getting.
So if you have you been criticizing yourself over and over for the shape you are in or fallen into a few bad habits that you want to let go of, or perhaps shed a few layers of clothes and even maybe drop a few pounds and feel good about it.. Shapeshfiting is for you.
I am offering a free 4 Day GAP TapAThon around Shapeshifting beginning Sunday – May 19 – May22 6pm-6:30CT. Just in time for Memorial Day! Sign up here.
To help you understand more about the energy psychology of shapeshifting, let’s take a moment to pause, breathe, and do some Energy Shapeshifting GAP Tapping.

Love and accept myself no matter whatNotice where you are in this gap a scale of 1-10 with these statements.. 10 being the highest… biggest gap.
Karate Chop:
I want to change …. Resistance to change
Love and accept myself no matter what
I want to get out of my comfort zone with a wild woman energy.. ..Resistance to the wild woman
Love and accept myself no matter what
Moving point to point.
(1) EB – I know I am resisting..
(2) SE – I love my comfort zone
(3) UE – who cares if I stay covered up all summer
(4) Un – the sun’s not good for me anyway
(5) Chin – I do care
(6) CB – I’m tired of feeling tired
(7) UA- I’m tired of feeling less than who I want to be
(8) TH – it’s just to hard to change
EB- But it’s getting harder and harder to stay this way
SE – ‘I want to have fun this summer
UE – I want to get a little wild and explore life
Un – but it’s too hard
Chin – but maybe I can try something new
CB – nay.. I’ve tried everything and nothing works
UA – well maybe not everything
UA- I’m tired of feeling less than who I want to be
tH – it’s just to hard to change
EB – I know I am resisting..
SE – I love my comfort zone
UE – who cares if I stay covered up all summer
Un – the sun’s not good for me anyway
Chin – I do care
CB – I’m tired of feeling tired
UA- I’m tired of feeling less than who I want to be
tH – it’s just to hard to change
EB- But it’s getting harder and harder to stay this way
SE – ‘I want to have fun this summer
UE – I want to get a little wild and explore life
Un – but it’s too hard
Chin – but maybe I can try something new
CB – nay.. I’ve tried everything and nothing works
UA – well maybe not everything
UA- I’m tired of feeling less than who I want to be
TH – it’s just to hard to change
Finish at the karate chop point: I love and accept myself no matter what.
Notice how you feel
It’s time to recognize this force of energy is within you.
Know that you can ShapeShift your energy, your old feelings, and your thoughts. You can find a deeper courage for your path to have new experiences, shift your mindset, and allow the energy of your highest light to build your charisma into the Wild Woman of Summer!
Come join us in this ShapeShifting Gap TapAThon. Register here.
Summer is always more fun with others. Share this out with your friends.
Thanks for listening!
To your Spirit,
PS.. Soul.Work 102: ShapeShifting begins May 29th.
PSS… Confessions of a Shower Tapper is available on Amazon. Click here.

May 11, 2024
Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader