Confessions of an



by Terri ann heiman

This episode is being brought to you by Forecast located in Homewood Alabama. Forecast is a hair salon on a mission to shape a movement in the beauty industry focusing on education, fashion, and creativity. Forecast strives to train stylists with the latest in education to provide their guests with the latest trends. Follow them […]

This episode is being brought to you by Forecast located in Homewood Alabama. Forecast is a hair salon on a mission to shape a movement in the beauty industry focusing on education, fashion, and creativity. Forecast strives to train stylists with the latest in education to provide their guests with the latest trends. Follow them […]

As this podcast goes to air, we have just gone through the summer solstice officially beginning the summer season.  We also moved into the sun sign of Cancer.  Cancer is about the inner feelings, your emotions, your intuition and learning how to lead with your innate ability to know…  see … hear … feel. Summer […]

This episode is being brought to you by Forecast located in Homewood Alabama.  Forecast is a hair salon on a mission to shape a movement in the beauty industry focusing on education, fashion and creativity. Forecast strives to train stylists with the latest in education to provide their guests with the latest trends. Follow them […]

This episode is being brought to you by Forecast – located in Homewood Alabama. Forecast is a hair salon on a mission to shape a movement in the beauty industry focusing on education, fashion and creativity. Forecast strives to train stylists with the latest in education to provide their guests with the latest trends. Follow […]

This episode is being brought to you by Forecast – located in Homewood Alabama, Forecast is a hair salon on a mission to Shape a movement in the beauty industry Focusing on education, fashion and creativity. Forecast strives to train stylists with the latest in education to provide their guests with the latest trends. Follow […]

This episode is being brought to you by Forecast – located in Homewood Alabama, Forecast is a hair salon on a mission to shape a movement in the beauty industry… focusing on education, fashion and creativity. Forecast strives to train stylists with the latest in education to provide their guests with the latest trends. Follow […]

This episode is being brought to you by Forecast – located in Homewood Alabama, Forecast is a hair salon on a mission to Shape a movement in the beauty industry Focusing on education, fashion and creativity. Forecast strifes to train stylists with the latest in education to provide their  guests with the latest trends,  and […]

This episode is being brought to you by Forecast – located in Homewood Alabama, Forecast is a hair salon on a mission to Shape a movement in the beauty industry Focusing on education, fashion and creativity. Forecast strifes to train stylists with the latest in education to provide their  guests with the latest trends,  and […]