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As this podcast goes to air, It’s a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.. ending a two-year cycle of eclipses. This lunar eclipse brings strong energies of closure.
Where does this show up for you? What needs to come to a close? Are you holding on longer than you need to?
You may notice old energies that rise up to the surface. Even if you thought some of these energies had been released, you may be involved with them again as they exit your consciousness.
Eclipses signify significant periods of change and transformation.
While a solar eclipse opens the portal for new beginnings and change, a lunar eclipse reveals energies that help us complete a journey or shift our course in some way. Lunar eclipses are also much more emotionally charged compared to the solar eclipse because the Moon is full and affects the emotional body to a greater degree.
A lunar eclipse is an opportunity to create significant change in your life.
Sometimes, this could feel these changes come about abruptly, as lunar eclipses bring information to you from out of the blue. You may find yourself surprised at some of the things you learn about yourself or others over this lunar eclipse.
Lunar eclipses, like Full Moons, are revealing. They reveal the truth in an often dramatic way and let you learn things that change your life course. Of course, we are also in the sun sign of Scorpio .. which could make it feel even more intense. Scorpio energies take us deeper into our psyche to help us understand our patterns.
So, how do you work with this? Allow yourself to be open. Slow down. Take time for yourself. Know that these changes are ones that can help you to move forward.
I know there is so much uncertainty out in the world, so tuning into you, knowing your mind, your emotions, and your Spirit is so valuable right now.
This time will offer you the opportunity to look within and the relationship you have with yourself.. your soul.
Are you showing up differently than how you really want to show up?
This is what the energies are asking you to understand right now.
The Scorpio season can be a magical time that allows you to face your deepest shadows, accept them, and grow from them.
This season teaches you how to become your own shaman, alchemist, and WITCH, as we talked about last week, so that you can journey into the deepest layers of our beings.
It may require career shifts or big moves to new locations. It may also ask you to say goodbye to certain people or habits. Going within yourself and getting quiet will help you to recognize what you can do for you.
Do you want to go deeper and learn some tools to help you upgrade your spiritual practice and create new agreements with yourself? Schedule a Spiritual Makeover Breakthrough Call with me, and let’s see how these practices can help you.
In today’s episode, and as we approach Halloween next week, I thought it might be fun to celebrate by talking about Stones and Crystals. They are mystical and can be magical. I know I can’t go anywhere without some stones in my pocket and Crystals in my jewelry. Are you like this?
And especially this time of year with the veils thinning and the Spirit world opening up. Feeling grounded and protected is crucial.
A post from one of my upcoming guests, Nickolas Pearson, on his Instagram feed was about Spooking Stones. I thought it was a great topic for this podcast to introduce his newest book, Crystal Basics – Pocket Encyclopedia. He graciously agreed to come on a few weeks early to share his work. In this episode, we talk about so many great things like crystals, of course, different ways of learning, how he views the crystal world, getting to know your crystals, how they make you feel, and how it can help you to open your mind to your own way of thinking.
Nicholas Pearson has been immersed in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for nearly 30 years. As one of the leading voices in crystal healing today, he offers a unique blend of science and spirituality alongside a grounded, practical approach to working with crystals. The author of several books, including
The Seven Archetypal Stones, Crystals for Karmic Healing, Crystal Healing for the Heart, Foundations of Reiki Ryoho, Stones of the Goddess, Crystal Basics, Flower Essences from the Witch’s Garden, and the one he is hear to talk about with us today, Crystal Basics Pocket Encyclopedia.

In this book, Nickolas looks at 450 crystals, including familiar ones like agate, calcite, rose quartz, and hematite as well as rarer and more unusual crystals, such as phenakite, cavansite, and yooperlite—(which I had to look up) some of which have never before appeared in print. Each entry features a beautiful color photo of the stone and defines its physical, emotional, and metaphysical healing properties and its corresponding chakra, element, planet, and zodiac sign.
Website Facebook Instagram TikTok
“Spooky Stones”
- Hope Diamond
- Geomyths – landscapes
- Folklore – fossils
- Devil’s toenails
- Black Kyanite – witch’s broom
- Phantom Quartz
Ways to work with the stones and crystals:
Notice the patterns of how you feel working with the stones.
Hold space without expectations.
Have your own authentic experiences.
How you respond to the crystal is what’s important.
Working with the stones and crystals we learn the value of collaboration, cooperation, and co-creating. They are consciousness, inspirited beings.
Show up for them the same way they show up for us.
If we can do it for a rock, we can do that for another human, and anybody and for any being and in any part of the cosmos.
NIckolas Pearson
It’s time we all come together with compassion for each other and co-create a better world.
Be sure to check out all of Nickolas’ work and books. The links will be in the show notes.
Ready to learn more about your spiritual path and connect with your deepest desires? Schedule a complimentary Spiritual Makeover Breakthrough Call with me.
Thanks again for listening!
To your Spirit,
PS… The 2023 Reiki Healing Summit is here. The Inner Garden of Light: Rooting Ourselves in Reiki Practice for Personal & Global Healing. See below for all the details, and sign up for free!
Find me on TikTok
Episode Credits:
Sound Engineer: Laarni Andres https://www.facebook.com/laarni.andres.7

2023 Reiki Healing Summit
Register here.
The Inner Garden of Light: Rooting Ourselves in Reiki Practice for Personal & Global Healing
Nurture the Seeds of Light Within with the Transformative Practice of Reiki
A groundbreaking event specifically designed to offer a trusted pathway to rediscover your inner garden of light, where the seeds of healing and transformation reside, and inspire a world brimming with peace, compassion, and genuine connections.
October 28, 2023
Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader