As this podcast goes to air, the New Moon in Gemini comes in tonight. This moon guides us into the new season of Summer where I am.

The Gemini energy is offering you time to be in social energy (it’s an air sign), connecting with others. It may even feel like it’s pushing you out of your comfort zone as you set new intentions. 

As we continue to move around the wheel of life and prepare to transition into another season, it is important to take a moment, ground your energy, honor your progress, and offer gratitude for all the possibilities that the future may hold.

Gemini energy offers you the opportunity to explore your surroundings. It asks you to look at a bigger picture and to look at both sides… it’s the twins right.

Combined with the seasonal transitions, the universe, your spirit, wants you to open up even more, to get outside, to grow and nurture yourself.  

This idea of shapeshifting has been a new perspective for me lately.  Working in the medicine wheel, moving rocks and pulling weeds, teaches about course correcting. As I explored ideas for summer teachings, the idea of shapeshifting came forward.

Many of you have heard me talk about this and it comes around every year about this time- body confidence. While I was thinking of offering tapping for the bikini body, I realized I don’t even wear a bikini, but I do care about my body.

I do care about the shape I am in with my health, always ongoing, and I do care about the shape of my mindset, looking for the higher vibrations in my thoughts, and looking for a way to work deeper with my emotional eating. It can get out of hand if I don’t keep it in tack.

And yes, summer is the time we all seem to obsess over our bodies and our shape. There are some things I like about my body, like my ankles, my hands, but my belly, not so much. That’s where I hold all my sensitive feelings.

What if we could use the energy of summer…y’all know I always love talking about the Wild Woman energy in Summer…to move a rock, energy, or course correct our path and shapeshift our body, mind, spirit and emotions. I know I feel better when I shape up and allow for fun to enter into my life for the season. What about you?

Ready for some Summer Shapeshifting?

Summer is the season of water. It’s your feelings, your heart- self love. It’s a time for you to own your Divine Feminine energy. Mother Earth is so fertile right now and she calls for you to reflect that as well. Get sexy! It is time for the Wild Woman to arise and to shift into the shape you want it to be.

I talked about this last week. Shapeshifting is the ability to physically transform oneself through an inherently superhuman/intuitive abilities, divine guidance, rituals  spells, and learning how to work with your energy!

Imagine shapeshifting energy. The parts of you that have gotten stagnant, caught in old habits, that need a little weeding, and pulling in a Wild Woman for your summer amusement. Can you see the part of you for this desire to shift?

Yes, that is shapeshifting as I see it, and that is the work we will be doing in the Energy Mastery Sanctuary. Shape shifting our body, mind, emotions, and spiritual bodies to be in alignment with the season, tone it up, get active, take time for your beauty (bonus on this one) and get ready to feel and look like the radiant wild woman inside of you. Transform your confidence and courage as you shift your shape. 

I’ll be hosting a live Spirit Talk about the program on Tuesday, June 20th at 6pmCT. Join me in some tapping, and I will answer all questions and even provide a special bonus for early enrollment! Click here.

In today’s episode I wanted to offer another teaching from the Medicine Wheel for Summer to set the energy of you.

As I teach, there are many ways to work with the Medicine Wheel. The season of summer is found in the direction of the South. In this direction we allow for growth. 

Qualities of Summer – Patience for Growth, Power in Manifestation, Passion in Love, Divine Feminine, the Wild Woman energy.

It’s a time to find patience with yourself, to sit back, relax into the season, and have fun. As much as I would like to stand over my little plants and say grow, grow, it doesn’t quite work that way. We must give space to all the many things we are working on. And we do this finding amusement and joy.  

Activating the divine feminine energy with it to bring forward the richness in life. To bring forward the ability to grow in your dreams. There is so much growing all around. Allow yourself to do the same.

The element of summer is water. Water holds so much possibility. It’s a time to cleanse the body, jump in a lake, swim, and move energy. It’s also the time to feel the feels. To understand all the emotions that you have. Are they stuffed down, or do you allow yourself to really feel them? Not always easy. But that is how we process them.

Summer is a lot of fun. It brings forward memories of playing and feeling carefree.  It encourages us to get outside with the extra hours of sunlight.

The seeds of Spring have been planted and now it’s time to allow for their growth. Find some patience with yourself as you nurture you!  Summer brings in the element of water opening us to self love and self care.

Mother Earth’s wildness is alive as she grows and blossoms which is a great reflection for each of us. This is why I love summer so much!

The #1 thing to love about the summer energy is that it brings forward the Wild Woman Energy! 

The  animal totem for Summer is an animal of prey, like Lion Energy.

Lion wins the prize for the most relentless fighter in the face of life challenges. Lion spirit represents courage and strength in overcoming difficulties. The presence of this power animal could also mean that something “wild” or difficult to control is happening. Lion symbolizes emotions that are difficult to manage, such as anger or fear.

Lion as a spirit totem symbolizes:

  • Strength, assertiveness, personal power
  • predatory feelings, such as anger, aggression directed at someone else or towards you
  • Personal struggle to deal with these feelings
  • Lion spirit animals warn about a threatening situation or event in your life

What is it for you, what animal will you call in for Summer?

What amusement will you find?

How will you allow yourself to grow?

Follow along with the meditation. I offer a  channeled message during the mediation to see what

your Spirit has to offer. Bring in your Animal Totem for summer.

Come join us in the Summer Shapeshifting!

To your Spirit,


June 17, 2023


Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader

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Shifting into the Summer Energy




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