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As this podcast goes to air, we have moved into February. This Aquarius energy is urging each of us to think outside the box, break free of old patterns, and remember to love ourselves in the process.
We are at the exact halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. The soul is deep within now. Dreams are coming forward, new visions and messages from our ancestors. We honor these messages. And then, we get to choose what we want to bring forward. It is a time to break free of old patterns that keep you from moving forward.
At this halfway mark of winter, your soul begins to notice all the messages that have been coming in for your path that fuel your passions and purpose. How can you bring these messages forward?
February, as I see it, is a time of love, especially self-love. It’s a time to nurture your inner and outer self in preparation for awakening to the Spring. The tendency right now is to speed up and jump forward, but we all need this time to take care of ourselves. Check in on your diet, your exercise, even your beauty! It’s a time to clean up yourself and your space, as we discussed last week. The Chinese New Year, the Year of the Dragon, begins next week, which means this week is the week to clean away the old dirt, the clutter, your space, and you.
The Year of the Dragon will be intense, and it calls for us to have a sense of amusement. Dragons are mystical creatures, full of fire. The Dragon years have been described as focused and driven, yet imagination is very important.
Right now, in the cosmos, all the planets are direct, which can help you move in the direction of nurturing yourself.
To help you move through the end of winter and prepare for Spring, you are invited to my first Virtual Self-Care Retreat as part of my Energy Mastery Sanctuary. Saturday – Feb 24th, 1pm-5pm – (It’s a full moon.)
Radiate Confidence: Cultivating Inner Power to Open up to the Spring
Spring is always one of the most challenging transitions as our spiritual work has been deep.
During this virtual retreat, we will have an afternoon of self-care and self-love.
Reiki meditations, intuitive games, tarot discussions, some tapping, and your favorite crystals are invited. We will set up a grid to awaken to the Spring.
Practice practical, intuitive, and mindful tools to radiate confidence, overcome obstacles, and plant the seeds for an abundant Spring.
Take time for some self-care.
All of this is part of the membership … Join now and get all the weekly offerings, live teachings, virtual sessions, mediation, and self-study. Build your spiritual practice one step at a time. Click here.
In today’s episode, I wanted to explore ways that you can love yourself more through self-care. My guest is Debra DeAngelo, and her latest book is Sacred Massage — The Magic of Soothing Touch. In this episode, we talk about how massage is so much more than just bodywork. Massage is self-care, doing it yourself, massage as a regular practice, massage is magical, incorporating all your tools, setting up a space, and how touch really does heal, especially in creating health and wellness.
Debra DeAngelo has been a massage practitioner for more than twenty years. She runs her own private practice, where she incorporates spiritual techniques into every session. In addition to developing her own method called “Blended Deep Swedish Massage,” Debra is trained in hot stone, ayurvedic, reflexology, reiki, and other massage styles. She also writes feature stories and book reviews for SageWoman and Witches & Pagans magazines. For more, visit http://debradeangelo.com/
She is a graduate of the University of California at Davis with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a graduate of the Massage Therapy Institute, where she earned her Massage Practitioner certificate in 2000. She lives in northern California with her husband, Joe, two neurotic cats, Maxx and Minnie, and has two grown children.

Website. Facebook. Instagram. LinkedIn. Twitter. Blog. Books.
Sacred Massage guides you through preparing your ritual space, creating an altar, grounding, centering, setting intentions, inviting the elements, and more. Discover how to utilize meditation, herbs, crystals, essentials oils, candles, and deities for a deeply spiritual session.
The book is filled with instructional graphics and culminates in a full-body massage sequence. This easy-to-understand book provides everything you need to create a magical massage experience for yourself and your loved ones.
You have the tools you need right in your hands. You can make a difference—believe in the magic in your hands.
Let February be filled with the magic you hold right in your hands!
You can find The Empowered Spirit Show podcast on all your favorite podcast platforms, or click here to listen now.
To your Spirit,
PS… Join us in the Energy Mastey Sanctuary – Virtual Self-Care Retreat on Saturday, Feb 24th, 1 pm-5pm — Radiate Confidence: Cultivating Inner Power to Open up to the Spring.
February 2, 2024
Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader