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As this podcast goes to air, we’ve just moved through the first full moon of the year. It was in Leo, and the sun sign in Aquarius… And there has been a great shift in the cosmos with Pluto. This is big. This shift of Pluto into Aquarius will be around for a while. The last time Pluto had its full extensive transit in Aquarius was from 1777 to 1798). Pluto has the longest orbit (and, likewise, the largest impact) of them all. Pluto represents all that exists beneath the surface.
It’s all about seeing new powers within yourself. Consciousness is being stirred up. The energies of the Aquarian Age are coming through. It’s a time to discover more about your cosmic inner world.
You will notice many things completed. Pluto has a way of moving things out of your way: old friends, parents, projects. New energies are coming through to fill these gaps. More of your DNA will be opening up. Notice in your body. Do you need to realign your stance?
The full moon illuminated these feelings.
It’s a time to own your gifts. Don’t play it small. Own your uniqueness. Tune in to the messages your guides and your higher self want to bring you. Stop doubting these messages. The more you doubt, the more ungrounded you will feel.
This time represents the death of ego patterns and the rebirth of your soul’s patterns. Anything you “don’t like” about yourself can be reprogrammed with the higher vibration of energy coming in, especially as you let go of old energy.
Pluto’s touch is far from delicate, and it can feel like a wrecking ball. Clever and calculating, We can expect some radical dismantling to occur, as well as some extraordinary developments that may change life as we know it.
So what does that mean? It’s time to own who you are. This is really big for all the lightworkers, healers, energy workers, and those of us outside the mainstream.
It’s a time of new spiritual growth, a time to peel back the layers of who you truly are and dig deep into your Soul.
Not sure how? Don’t have a spiritual practice? My next online Intuitive Path class – Radiant Light Method – will be a beginning class for Spiritual Development. It will launch in early March. Get on the waitlist. Don’t want to wait until March? I do have openings in my Private Mentoring Program. Schedule a spiritual upgrade Breakthrough Call with me, and let’s discuss how developing your spiritual practice can build confidence and strength within you.
In today’s episode, I thought I would offer some ways to change up your space in this new year with my guest Julie Ann Segal. Her book, Change Your Space to Change Your Life, is a way to help you start to be more aware of your energy and the relationship you have to the energy all around you. In this episode, we talk about Feng shui, clutter and how it affects you, energy, everything is connected, 3 secrets of adjustment, the romance corner, the Bagua, Biophilic Design, and how it is related to Feng Shui. What you can do right now as we start this new year.. and why it is important to get in touch with your intentions and goals.
Julie Ann Segal is an interior designer, Feng Shui consultant, and the owner and president of the design firm Metro Interiors. She received her BFA in Interior Design from Northern Illinois University and has served on the Advisory Board for the Century College Interior Design program. She is certified as a Feng Shui consultant through the Wind and Water School of Feng Shui and is a member of the International Feng Shui Guild and the Feng Shui Institute of the Midwest.”
For over 30 years, Julie Ann has enjoyed taking the stress out of making design changes. With her “Fun” Shui approach, she makes the design process simple and loveable. Listening to each client’s needs, she’s inspired in a unique way to choose colors, materials, fabrics, and art to create a new space. Trustworthy and dedicated, Julie Ann values relationships formed with clients and designs homes and businesses of their dreams.
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Clutter causes confusion. Too many things in too small a space is constricting. Clutter represents unfinished energy. It will make you tired and unfocused. It keeps you in the past. Clutter is congestion in the space and in the body.
Swedish Death Cleaning – a concept where you make it easier for your kids or whoever is left behind when you pass.
The 3 Secrets of Adjustments :
- Place an object in the room.
- Imagine it already happened.
- Say Om Mani Padme Hum 9 times
Biophilic design is a concept used within the building industry to increase occupant connectivity to the natural environment through the use of direct nature, indirect nature, and space and place conditions. Using nature in your living spaces – calms the nerves … boosts emotional and mental health – and reduces anxiety.
For the new year, take an overall assessment – change it up – get rid of anything that you can, especially before the Chinese New Year which comes in on Feb 10th.
Changing your space can help you to change your life. It will allow for more clarity to come in.
Cleaning up your space is an act of self-love.
Everything is connected, and we are connected to our surroundings.
Enjoy the episode. Share with someone else who might be interested in learning ways to shift their energy.
Thanks again for listening.
To your Spirit,
PS.. If you are ready to awaken to your spiritual path and need help getting started, schedule a complementary Spiritual Breakthrough Call.
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Episode Credits:
Sound Engineer: Laarni Andres https://www.facebook.com/laarni.andres.7
January 26, 2024
Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader