As this podcast goes to air, we are moving through the 3rd phase of the moon… a time of releasing the excess energy you may have picked up since the new moon. Mercury is finally moving. It has been a few weeks of extreme energy, not to mention an excess amount of fear in the mass consciousness. 

The thing is…the old structures are falling down and there is a lot of cover up in trying to preserve some of the structures… But as I believe…it is time to raise the vibration and rebuild to a higher level of consciousness.

Aligning with the cosmic forces and being aware of the cycles of the moon can help you to adjust your energy as well.

All of this cosmic force energy I talk about on my Energy Focus for the week, which you can always catch live on Sunday nights or the replays on my website.

If you are in need of help or guidance or feel inspired to learn more about your own spiritual practice, reach out. 

Download my free guide to help you set up your own Practice. You can find it on my website at  TerriAnnHeiman.com.  If you would prefer some private help, join me in my Empowered Spirit Program

Schedule an Empowered Spirit Discovery Session with me and let’s discover the things are draining you of your energy see if this program is a fit for you!

In today’s episode, I talk to James Purpura who is the co-author of the book and movie, Perception: Seeing is Not Believing… a vital doorway to individual and collect evolution for humanity.

Two people in crisis, worlds apart, independently arrived at the same conclusion… Own your life, or lose it! 

 In their new book and film entitled Perception: Seeing is Not Believing, James and Steph Purpura recount in raw detail how those tragic events became the catalyst for dramatic life changes that brought them together, and their discovery of the keys to unlocking their perceptions, challenging their beliefs, and changing their behaviors.

But it took years of trial and error using their relationship to test new ideas, theories and practices with each other. As they created a new life together, James and Steph formulated an evolutionary plan for living that resulted in tremendous personal and professional success. Now their hugely successful Powerful U Events and programs are changing the lives of millions.

Screen the movie here… for free this month!

Their mission is to provide a roadmap for creating meaning in people’s lives and showing them how to master their perceptions and their emotions, the two factors that separate a life of desperation and unhappiness from one of joy, love and accomplishment.

According to James and Steph, “Everything you are, everything you see, everything you experience, is determined by perception. And it is your emotions that give your life the only meaning it has.”

In this episode, James also offers us an exercise from their powerful Emotional Integration Technique.

As they teach in their work, perception matters because it underpins everything we think, know and believe.

Own your life or lose it!

True power is connecting to yourself!

To your Spirit,


PS…This award winning, best documentary feature is available on their website to my listeners for FREE the month. Go to Movie.

PS…Schedule a Virtual Coffee and let’s chat about how Reiki can help you!

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If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Danny Ozment.

He helps thought leaders, influencers, executives, HR professionals, recruiters, lawyers, realtors, bloggers, coaches, and authors create, launch, and produce podcasts that grow their business and impact the world.

Find out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com

March 14, 2020


Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader

Listen to the podcast


Perception: Seeing is Not Believing with James Purpura



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