This episode is being brought to you by Forecast – located in Homewood Alabama, Forecast is a hair salon on a mission to Shape a movement in the focusing on education, fashion and creativity. Forecast strives to train stylists with the latest in education to provide their guests with the latest trends. Follow them on Instagram @forecastsalon or find them online at https://www.forecastsalon.com/ and check out their latest in stylist innovation @clubforecastsalon on Instagram.
As this podcast goes to air, we’ve moved through the Full Moon energies and now the Moon is in the waning phase, helping you to release the old energies. Every month, we have the opportunity to release and cut the cords.
This past full moon was about moving forward and not allowing yourself to go back to areas in your life that you have healed.
Sometimes, we can keep returning to these wounds even though we have worked on ourselves. I have found that sometimes this can happen due to past life issues that trigger us in this life, which keeps the wounds coming up.
My Soul.Work online Intuitive Path program can help you with this. Registration is now open. In this program, I will guide you through the Akashic Realm, showing you ways to connect to your Akashic Records and your Guides and uncover past lives that keep you stuck in these wounds. All you need is some intuitive understanding. If you have other spiritual tools like Reiki, Angel work, or Mediumship, this class is for you! We will learn how to access all the tools in this higher dimension. The course begins in January. As an early enrollment bonus, I will offer a masterclass in Intutive Development on Dec 13th to prepare you for the class and build your confidence. Join now and get the bonuses and teachings that are already available in the program.
Not sure if this is for you or how I teach? I’ll be offering my masterclass on connecting with your guides, angel, and higher self on Sunday, Dec 10th at 10amCT. Click here to register.
In today’s episode, I had the most delightful conversation with my guest, Angela Wix, about the energy of Calm. Her book, “Finding Your Calm” brings together so many great and different ways of calming yourself down. Her book is a compilation of several great authors offering their perspectives on finding calm, many of whom have been on the show. There are chapters about sleep, yoga, meditation, the Vagus Nerve, astrology, chakras, eft, ASMR, and the amplifying joy and gratitude.
Angela A. Wix was formerly an acquiring editor at Llewellyn Worldwide for nearly 12 years and is currently an editor for books on personal transformation, wellness, and spirituality at Sounds True. She is also an artist and author; some of her works include Llewellyn’s Little Book of Unicorns, The Secret Psychic, and Finding Your Calm.

Website Books Instagram Facebook Etsy
12 Methods to Release Anxiety, Relieve Stress and Restore Peace:
- Tune into Your Body’s Wisdom – Emily A. Francis
2. Calming Techniques for Empaths 0- Kristy Robinett
3. Aromatherapy for Peace and Calm – Gail Bussi
4. Visualize Your Way to Peace – Chanda Parkinson
5. The Calming Effects of Chakra Work – Jiulio Consiglio
6. Astrology and Self-Care – Leah Patterson
7. Creating Calm through Your Vagus Nerve – Cyndi Dale
8. Meditation Simplified – Shai Tubali
9. Find Calm through EFT and Tapping – Amy B. Scher
10. Find Peace through Good Sleep Practices – Angela A. Wix
11. The Calming Effects of ASMR – Shannon Yrizarry
12. Amplifying Joy and Gratitude through Mindfulness – Melanie C. Klein with Marc Cordon
Feeling and noticing the emotions, the energy you carry, and your experiences in life, helps you to process energy, to slow down, to find your calm amid chaos, especially during the holiday season. It will bring you closer to who you truly are.
Take frequent pauses during this season. Calm yourself down. Don’t let the stress build.
Be sure to check out all of Angela’s work. There is a bonus holiday promo code from her publisher at Llewellyn. The Secret Psychic is on sale now for 50% off, through 12/31/23! available at Llewellyn.com.
Join me in Soul.Work: Reading your Akashic Records. We all have the ability to tap into our Soul energy.
Thanks again for listening!
Happy Holidays!
To your Spirit,
Find me on TikTok
Episode Credits:
Sound Engineer: Laarni Andres https://www.facebook.com/laarni.andres.7
December 1, 2023
Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader