Learning to Shape shift  can provide numerous benefits:





Improved health: Regular exercise can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. It can also improve your overall physical and mental health.

Increased confidence: Feeling good about your body can boost your self-esteem and confidence. This can lead to improved relationships and a more positive outlook on life.

Better sleep: Exercise can help you fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your sleep. This can leave you feeling more rested and energized throughout the day.

More energy: Regular physical activity can increase your energy levels and reduce feelings of fatigue. This can help you tackle daily tasks with more enthusiasm and productivity.

Stuck in an old mindset…. Old body… Old habits?

Looking to shift your ENERGY but not sure how?

Ready to shape your summer to feel empowered and maybe even a little wild?


Physical - Improved health: The season of summer encourages regular exercise which can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. It can also improve your overall  mental health.





Learning to  shape Shift  can provide numerous benefits:

Mental - Increased confidence: Feeling good about your body can boost your self-esteem and confidence. This can lead to improved relationships and a more positive outlook on life.  Shapeshifting helps create a new mindset.

Emotional - Shapeshifting teaches you to reframe emotions through felt sense. Recognize where in the body you hold the old energies, can shift to a new sense of self.

Spiritual - Energetically: Shapeshifting allows for the mystical and magical charms of your Spirit to come through. Dream your dreams. Be whoever you want to be.

Stuck in an old mindset…. Old body… Old habits?

Looking to shift your ENERGY but not sure how?

Ready to shape your summer to feel empowered and maybe even a little wild?

The Shaman in me honors the Shaman in you.

Take the Quiz

Christa K - Palm Beach, FL

Tapping has been amazing. I am letting go of old habits. My energy is improving. I am recognizing why I turn to food when I am upset. 

Susan Y - Flushing, NY

I felt I was too old to make any changes and break old habits. Shapeshifting has helped me to take small steps forward each day. I am able to recognize the old patterns so much better. I’m more active and starting to do things again. 


Tapping has been amazing. I am letting go of old habits. My energy is improving. I am recognizing why I turn to food when I am upset.

Christa K - Palm Beach, FL

I felt I was too old to make any changes and break old habits. Shapeshifting has helped me to take small steps forward each day. I am able to recognize the old patterns so much better. I’m more active and starting to do things again.

Susan Y - Flushing, NY


Whether you shift into the body of an animal, a mythical creature, even an inanimate object, and/or a Radiant Wild Woman, the act of transformation can help you access parts of yourself that may be hidden or dormant. 

Through shapeshifting, you can tap into your intuition, creativity, and spirituality and discover new paths for personal growth and self-discovery. So if you're feeling stuck or unsure of yourself, consider trying shapeshifting to uncover your inner truth.

Shapeshifting is a powerful tool for exploring your inner truth. By embodying different forms, you can gain new perspectives and insights into your own identity and purpose. 

Emotionally drained, physically sluggish, mentally overwhelmed, and spiritually disconnected? If you've tried countless solutions without success, don't despair! It's not too late to SHAPESHIFT your life. You have the power to change your thoughts and acquire new skills, regardless of your age.

Embrace the possibility of a brighter future and embark on a journey of personal growth and rejuvenation.



7 weeks of ShapeShifting -  May 29 - July 10

Group Class - May 29 - July 10

One Payment of $296

Group + VIP Private Mentoring 

Live Lessons - Practice Time 
GAP Tapping - Scripts
 Reading the oracles

One Payment of $1097

Three Payments of $363

(6) 60 min Sessions

Vision Quest. (Spirit)
Spirit to Spirit
Dreaming and Shapeshifting
Notice what you notice about your Body… Mind.. Emotions.. Spirit.
How Empowered is your Spirit to Shapeshift your path?
Setting agreements with yourself that you keep.

Taming the Wind (Air)
13 Things EFT helps
Breaking habits 
Mindset of an Emotional Eater

Gut Instincts (Body)
Food Addictions -  Sugar - Alcohol - Junk Food
Beauty - How you Show Up
Tapping on Self talk
What parts do you love about yourself?

Self Love (Water)
Emotional Eating
Morning Routine - Beauty
Baths at night
Rubbing the Belly- Digestion of LIfe
Water - Processing Energy

Sorcerer (Fire)
Transforming Destructive Beliefs 
Ancetors -  Imprints
Good enough
Binge Eating

The Radiant Wild Woman 
Visualization and Dreamtime
Holding the Vibration

Three Payments of $99

Need Extra help in Shapeshifting your body to drop some extra Weight?
Sign up for the VIP option

building confidence in you!

This program delivers the most transformative, powerful tools to:
- Stop the Battle with food cravings, emotional eating and body shame.
- Reprogram limiting beliefs about yourself and your body
- Lose weight without counting calories or depriving yourself of the foods you love

Wipe out old mindset that keeps you stuck and addicted to food.

Reprogram the limiting beliefs that stop you from having the life and body you want

My story... I confess... I was the fat one in the family.  I was an emotional eater but didn't even know what that meant.  I was bullied and emotionally abused.

My mother tried to help me by taking me to the "fat doctor". I would get diet pills each week but first I had to weigh in ... in front of everyone. I was shamed.

All throughout high school and college, I was yo-yo dieting.

The light in this was learning about foods and reading labels and understanding my addictions through my emotions.

Things began to change when I started working with Energy.

Energy work taught me all about my empathic nature and how my sensitivity was contributing to my eating. It was a cycle. And then I learned about eating for empaths, techniques I could use and ways I could SHAPESHIFT my body through my emotions and my mind.  

I bring these very tools forward in this 7-Week Soul.Work 102: ShapeShifting course.

We will use all the RITES to SHAPESHIFT and transmute energy so that you can enjoy your light this summer and every season onward.  We will go deep in some of my newest techniques in GAP-Tapping to help you shfit from where you are and where you want to be ... the true essence of SHAPESHIFTING!



  • GAP TAPPING 6 Week Tapping System - Value $995
  • Closing the Gap on Binge Eating (Audio) - Value $19
  • No More Cravings Morning Tapping Routine (Audio) - Value $29
  • GAP Tapping for Emotional Eaters (Guide) - Value $29
  • Subliminal Brain Entrainment for ShapeShifting your way to Success (Audio) - Value $39
  • Self Care Self Love (Guide) - Value $29
  • GAP Tapping - Kill Cravings and Lose Fat - Value $49
  • Eating for Nutrition - Audio - Value $19
  • Self Sabotage Tapping - Value $199
  • Shamanic Practices & Dream Journeys - Hold the Vibration $99
  • 4 -Day Tapathon Challenge Replays -Value $249

TOTAL: $1,755

Group Class - May 29 - July 10

One Payment of $296

Three Payments of $99

Group Class - May 29 - July 10

One Payment of $296

Three Payments of $99

Group Class - May 29 - July 10

One Payment of $296

Three Payments of $99

Group + VIP Private Mentoring 

One Payment of $1097

Three Payments of $383

(6) 60 min Sessions

Group + VIP Private Mentoring 

One Payment of $1097

Three Payments of $363

(6) 60 min Sessions

Need Extra help in Shapeshifting your body to drop some extra Weight?
Sign up for the VIP option

Group + VIP Private Mentoring 

One Payment of $1097

Three Payments of $383

(6) 60 min Sessions