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As this podcast goes to air, it is now officially summer!  Summer is my favorite season .

Summer brings in the element of water. It’s your feelings, your heart- self love that becomes highlighted. It’s a time for you to own your Divine Feminine energy. Mother Earth is so fertile right now and she calls for you to reflect that as well. Get sexy! It is time for the Wild Woman to arise and to shift into the shape you want it to be.

Shapeshifting is the ability to physically transform oneself through an inherently superhuman/intuitive abilities, divine guidance, rituals  spells, and learning how to work with your energy!

Imagine shapeshifting  parts of you that have gotten stagnant, caught in old habits, that need a little weeding, and pulling in a Wild Woman for your summer amusement. Can you see the part of you for this desire to shift?  Book a Shapeshfting call with me… part of my Summer energy Specials.

As I teach in the Medicine Wheel, the season of summer is found in the direction of the South.

In this direction we allow for growth.

Qualities of Summer- Patience for Growth, Power in Manifestation, Passion in Love, Divine Feminine, the Wild Woman energy.

It is a time to find patience with yourself, to sit back, relax into the season and have fun.. As much as I would like to stand over my little plants and say grow.. grow.. it doesn’t quite work that way.  We must give space to all the many things we are working on. And we do this finding amusement and joy. 

Activate the Devine feminine energy within  you to bring forward the richness in life. To to grow your dreams.  Just look around you.. They is so much growing all around… allow yourself to do the same.

The element of summer is water.. Water holds so much possibility. Its a time to cleanse the body … jump in a lake.. swim.. move energy… it’s also the time to feel the feels .. to understand all the emotions that you have.. are they stuffed down.. or do you allow yourself to really feel them.

Not always easy. But that is how we process them.

The animals of prey are our totem… Call in Lion Energy.

Lion wins the prize for most relentless fighter in the face of life challenges. Lion spirit represents courage and strength in overcoming difficulties. The presence of this power animal could also mean that something “wild” or difficult to control is happening. As such, lions symbolize emotions that are difficult to manage, such as anger or fear.

Lion as a spirit animal or totem symbolizes:

  • Strength, assertiveness, personal power
  • Passion
  • A common meaning for the lion spirit animal is predatory feelings, such as anger, aggression directed at someone else or towards you
  • Personal struggle to deal with these feelings
  • Lion spirit animals warn about a threatening situation or event in your life

What is it for you… what animal will you call in for Summer?

What amusement will you find?

How will you allow yourself to grown.

Follow along with the meditation. I offer a channeled message during the mediation to see what Spirit has to offer.

Live in the present and see the world as it is.

Don’t allow he illusions of the world do no cloud my positive manifestation

I move toward the horizon and embrace the world I envision.

I AM power in Action.

On Summer Solstice, as the sun shines bright,

We beckon the Wild Woman, with all our might.

She stirs within us, a force untamed,

Ready to shed layers, unafraid and unashamed.

With open hearts, we embrace the fire,

Feeling the passion, the deepest desire.

We unleash our spirits, like artists at play,

Creating masterpieces, in our own unique way.

No longer confined, no longer subdued,

We live our dreams, our passions pursued.

The Wild Woman within, she guides our path,

Embracing the freedom, and releasing the wrath.

On this sacred day, we celebrate the light,

The power within us, shining ever so bright.

Summer Solstice, a time of transformation,

Embracing our essence, with pure dedication.

So let the Wild Woman within arise,

Unleash her magic, let it mesmerize.

For on this day, we reclaim our might, And live our lives, with hearts alight.

To the Wild Woman  Spirit in you!


PS.. Schedule your Summer Energy Special now! Click here.

Follow Terri on Instagram

Episode Credits:

Sound Engineer: Laarni Andres https://www.facebook.com/laarni.andres.7

June 22, 2024


Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader

Listen to the podcast


Channeled Message for Summer: Teachings from the Medicine Wheel




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