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Energetically…. tuning into your Spirit can help you bring this magic forward. Know what your seeds of intention are! Set your focus yet remain open to the signs around you. Be grounded yet flexible so that you can tap into the imaginal realm. Anything is possible! Radiant your light!
Knowing your energy … your truth … your voice.. your Spirit is so valuable at this time. And that’s where the RITES come in to help you move through all this stuff!
Rites being Reiki.. intuition.. tarot.. eft and stones and crystals.
Energy Focus for the Week – live on Sunday nights on Instagram and FB. We talk about what’s going on, we align our energy, set intentions for the week and I pull the Tarot cards for guidance. Join us or catch the replay!
As we move through these comic transitions, now is the time to clean up your energy with an energy clearing session. Schedule one now... in person or online. When you work with the energy body, it helps to release the old patterns and all that old stuff… especially from winter.
Empowered Spirit Private Mentoring Program.
Schedule a Spiritual Upgrade Breakthrough call with me and let’s talk about how my programs can help you.
My guest, John T. Long is the Author of the #1 New Release in Substance Abuse Category: The Book of John (Not the One in the Bible) Author of The Rainbow-A Journey to Unconditional Love
He is a licensed practicing attorney, counselor, and personal life coach who has helped thousands of people. He was born in Birmingham, Alabama and has a B.A. from the University of Alabama. At thirty-five, while working full time as a claims adjuster, he decided to go to law school at night and graduated from Jones School of Law in Montgomery. He is twice widowed and has two boys and two grandchildren.

In this episode we talk about:
- Following that path that really isn’t yours
- Addiction
- Kept going and going and going … until one day…
- Recovery –
- People don’t not really understand addiction
- No power
- The Self
- Finding a higher power and trusting that higher power
- 12 steps
- Continued process of meditation and prayer and how it help.
- Spirituality helps you to go within and tap into your own innate wisdom.
- Must experience it and do it. Can’t just talk about it.
- Allowing a higher power… something greater than yourself.. doesn’t matter what you call it to guide you.
- Let go and allow.
- Dark Night of the Soul – in order to surrender – come out stronger – connecting to higher self.
- God is like a mirror broken into a 1000 pieces… we are all part of it.
- Soul family
- Soul contracts
- Come in with a contract
- beings in a 3d body
- Souls here to learn
- Profound experience to understand unconditional love
- What it takes to be fully awake.
- Spirit guides
- Learned by experience and trust
- Purpose to learn unconditional love and spread it to the world.
- Finding the lesson underneath.
- Enlightenment.
- Revelations
- Beyond the survival rate of recovery – soaring
- It’s all energy
- Material stuff fades away
- Finding the ability to be with one’s self
- How are you going to love others if you can’t love yourself first?
- You are worthy
- Born in sin – get over it
- You are a Great spiritual being
- Training will help you to gain your power.. you won’t be giving it away.
Be who you really are… an unconditional Spirit.
Connect with something greater than you.. source.. creator … the light…God … however you choose to understand this.
Go within.
Don’t be afraid to feel the darkness… the light will shine again.
With the intention of unconditional love, everything is possible.
There are many recovery centers around. Find one that does help you to go within so that you can reclaim your Spirit to help you on your path.
Reach out to John for his books.
And if you need help setting up your spiritual practice, reach out to me. I can help you to do that. Schedule a Spiritual Upgrade Breakthrough call with me and let’s get your started tapping into your inner guidance.
If you liked this episode, please be sure to share this podcast with someone else that might need to hear this message right now. And leave me a review on Apple Podcast.
Be sure to schedule a Spiritual Upgrade Breakthrough call with me.
My Reiki schedule has been posted starting with a one day (in person) self care Reiki Day of Bliss!
Thanks again for listening.
To your Spirit,
PS…..Get the Energy Mastery App
Follow Terri on Instagram
Find her on LinkedIn
Episode Credits:
Sound Engineer: Laarni Andreshttps://www.facebook.com/laarni.andres.7
May 7, 2022
Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader