The episode is being sponsored by Ritual + Shelter in Homewood, AL. Find them online or on Instagram at @ritualsheltershoppe. A magical place to shop and hold space.

As this podcast goes to air, we are in the sun sign of Cancer, with a  New Moon coming in the next week. It’s a time to bring a fresh energy into your intentions and allow the summer energy of growth to magnify them.

The energy of Cancer is sensitive, it’s nurturing and loving so it is also a time for self-care.  Summer is a time to use this sensitive, intuitive energy to understand your emotions which can help you to understand your path which is our subject today … Astrology.

One of the reasons I cherish summer, besides July being my birthday month 😇,  is that it’s the perfect time to shape up the body, mind, emotions, and Spirit. This is the private mentoring I am offering now.  Shapeshifting with GAP Tapping™ .  It’s not too late to embark on this journey with me, especially if you’re struggling with cravings, binge eating, and sugar addictions despite trying various methods. Are you intimidated by the thought of wearing  tank tops, swimsuits, and shorts? Shapeshifting could be the solution you’ve been looking for. This mentoring can help you identify and address the underlying factors that are sabotaging your body confidence, enabling you to overcome these addictions and shed the extra weight.

One of my clients has already noticed a difference in how she is starting to appreciate her body. She is letting go of the critical thoughts and finding more peace and she came from a very troubled aneroxia connection with food.  Another client is already noticed a few pounds dropping and amazed at the connection she has with sugary foods and her father.  When we get into the Gap and bring forward what that connection is, we can use EFT.. GAP Tapping™ to break the connection between the food and keep the connection of love with the person or event, and the food connection is released, which means you are able to let go of the cravings as well.

Weight is a complicated issue. It’s not just about food or exercise. It has taken me years to understand this. As emotional eaters, we have to monitor this. Every season brings in different elements and different eating choices. Winter, holidays, and we tend to go overboard, which is okay. It’s learning to be aware of it and having the tools to pull it back together.

I have broken my cravings. New ones come in… I had this thing going on with some Trader Joe’s crackers, Everything But the Bagel Crackers. Tapping on what was underneath me, wanting to always eat them, has helped me stop buying them, so I’m not eating them. In one tapping session!

And then I began tapping on my arms. We can’t help aging, but we can work with our muscles and skin. I am actually starting to feel a little proud of them. I have to tap some mornings to get me to the gym to work out. But the more I tap, the easier it becomes. And the thing is, I am creating new neural pathways each time I repeat the tapping, making it easier and easier.

So .. I am offering a summer birthday special.. 25% (actually a little more ) off the Shapeshifting Private Mentoring: 6 private sessions, live with me. You get all the resources, follow-up tapping scripts, videos, suggestions, etc. If you are not ready to commit to 6 weeks, check out my Summer Energy Special.

Schedule a complimentary Shapeshifting Call with me, and let’s examine what is sabotaging your body confidence. 

In Summer, one of the things I like to do, besides shapeshifting, is to learn something new about Astrology. Today on the podcast, my guest is Alison Chester-Lambert and her latest book is, The Easy Way to Learn Astrology: How to Read your Birthchart.  (I love this book, and it will definitely help me to learn more!)  She was such a delightful guest from the UK.  In this episode, we talked about all things related to the birth chart and how to read it, the houses, the zodiac, the elements, the signs, the glyphs, how astrology is like a weather report, there is always free will, and how understanding this blueprint of your Soul can help you navigate the future.

Alison Chester-Lambert, MA, has been an astrologer for over 20 years. She studied with the Faculty of Astrology and the Centre for Psychological Astrology in London, followed by a master’s degree in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology. She was the founder of the UK`s Midlands School of Astrology and the former resident astrologer for a daily BBC TV news show. Alison has had regular columns in the top spiritual or metaphysical publications and authored several titles, including the Astrology Reading Cards and Greek Mythology Reading Cards. She lives in Leicestershire, United Kingdom, with a family of seven disabled rescue dogs and cats. 

Website Instagram Facebook YouTube Inner Traditions

Psychological Astrology maps out and describes all spiritual planes. 

Astrology can be like a weather report. It shows the wind of change.

We have 20% free will, so we can bend energy to a certain degree. Bending energy is shifting a little around at a particular time or event.

Your birth chart is the Blueprint of your Soul.  You can learn to work with the houses and elements of your life. The most important feature in a birth chart is the position of the Houses to the Zodiac signs. This brings forward information about what energies we give to what parts of our lives which can be crucial to understanding our future.

We don’t need astrology to tell us that our world is changing, but we do need an astrology to describe it. When we engage with this language of the god/desses, we are in touch with the soul and spirit of the Cosmos. It empowers us to walk side by side through life. Alison Chester-Lambert.

Yes, you are always in change. Astrology can help you describe areas in your life to get a better view of the cosmos. It can help you understand the new energy, the new light that is coming in.  And as Alison says, “We can’t be in the future without this amazing tool to help guide us.”

As an additional note, I had a reading with Alison, as it’s coming into my birthday month, and I appreciated the insight into my path. It was a powerful reading for me. Yes, she offers one-on-one readings, and you can schedule them on her website.

It is a time to embrace change. Humanity is shifting. We can’t hold on to the past without feeling the consequences of our future. Allow yourself to adopt new tools and ways to move through your struggles in life. 

Reach out, you don’t have to do this alone.  Schedule your complimentary ShapeShifting Call with me now.

Thanks again for listening.

To your Spirit,


Follow Terri on Instagram

Episode Credits:

Sound Engineer: Laarni Andres https://www.facebook.com/laarni.andres.7

June 29, 2024


Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader

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The Easy Way to Learn Astrology with Alison Chester-Lambert




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