The episode is being sponsored by Ritual + Shelter in Homewood, AL. Find them online or on Instagram at @ritualsheltershoppe.

As this podcast goes to air, we are halfway through the year. We just passed through the energy portal of 7/ 7 and heading into the next Full Moon. Cancer Energy connects with Sirrus, our spiritual star, the brightest star in the light, helping us check in with our soul’s purpose. 

It is time to look at where we are going, how we are growing, and how we can raise our vibration.

It’s time to shift out of old patterns, old habits, and the self-sabotage that keeps us stuck.

One of the things I’ve noticed about my life right now are the things that excite me.  I’ve been delving deeper and deeper into this whole idea of portals of energy and alternate states of reality.  One of the things that I noticed on my podcast with Freddie Silva, check it out if you missed it (click here), was  when he was pointing out places to visit, portals of energy. while out in Santa Fe. I noticed how excited my Soul was. And it wasn’t like in my head and my mind, but it was deep, deep into my heart, inspiration coming forward from my Soul.

I think that’s a really important thing to point out because many times we can get caught in the struggles of the mind, caught in what we’re always doing, the same thing over and over.  But when we can feel our body go strong, feel empowered, feel excitement, that’s how we grow.

That’s what we use to guide us, the knowing within, to shift our paths into the next phase or the transitions or wherever it is for you..  And that is what I find myself doing right now. And I think it’s important to recognize how much having a spiritual practice and even having guidance through a spiritual practice can help you.

So I wanted to take a moment and share.  Some words from one of my students that has been guided through the work of his soul,  through my help, helping him to tune into the guidance of his soul. Justin Scott, what a great student, very curious, always asking questions, showed up one day in my yoga class and came and started asking more and more.

So yes, I am a spiritual mentor and I help people tap into their spirit to learn more about themselves. I have many ways in which I can guide you through. And so I offer.  Schedule a complimentary Spiritual Upgrade Breakthrough Call with me to talk about how I can guide you to build your daily practice, to help you move through difficulties in life, transitions, or finding the love of your soul that will inspire you.  Click here.

In today’s episode, I offer a meditation to help you raise your frequency and tune into the Sacred elements within you, which allows you raise your vibration to align with the energies of Mother Earth like I’ve been talking about with PORTALS: Energetic Doorways to Mystical Experiences Between Worlds. The book has now hit #1 on Amazon. It’s available at Ritual + Shelter and I have books available on my website as well.

I did want to let you that Freddy Silva is offering an amazing class, The Bridge Between Material and Magic.

In this class he will guide you to step into a thousand journeys and discover places on the land where the laws of physics behave differently and the perception of overlapping realities is both apparent and immediate. 

Experience how these powerful energy centers interact with your body and consciousness, enhancing your awareness and connection to Self and the infinite.

  • Module One:Our Subtle Energy Landscape
  • Module Two: Portals in Sacred Places
  • Module Three: Interacting with Portals
  • Module Four: Identifying the Life Force
  • Bonus: a pdf copy of Freddy’s bestselling book Portals: Energetic Doorways to Mystical Experiences Between Worlds

 Course fee:  $111. To register:  The Bridge Between Material and Magic.

As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, it is crucial that we reconnect with the wisdom of ancient traditions and recognize the vital role that the sacred elements play in our relationship with our planet.

Mother Earth, our home, has provided us with abundant resources and sustenance since the dawn of time. But in our pursuit of progress and economic growth, we have often forgotten to honor and respect the very elements that give us life.

The sacred elements embody spiritual, emotional, and symbolic meanings that guide our understanding of our place in the world.

Take a moment to tune in, breathe, raise your vibrations, and align with the sacred elements of life.

Fire, the transformative element, embodies passion, energy, and purification. Fire has the power to create and destroy, reminding us of the delicate balance between creation and destruction. We must channel our inner fire to ignite positive change and protect the Earth from further harm.

In honoring the sacred elements, we acknowledge the interconnectedness of all life forms and recognize our responsibility as custodians of Mother Earth.

Air, the invisible yet omnipresent element, represents breath, communication, and freedom. The air we breathe connects us to every living being on this planet. It reminds us of the importance of clear and open communication, not only within human relationships but also in our

Water, the life-giving force, holds immense power and purification. It symbolizes renewal, adaptability, and fluidity. As water flows and adapts to its surroundings, we must learn to embrace change and adapt our behaviors to protect our precious water sources. Let us remember that clean water is not a privilege but a fundamental right for all beings.

Earth, the foundation of our existence. The Earth represents stability, grounding, and nourishment. It reminds us of our interconnectedness with all living beings and teaches us the importance of sustainable practices. We must recognize that our actions have consequences, and by nurturing the Earth, we ensure a harmonious future for generations to come.

In honoring the sacred elements, we acknowledge the interconnectedness of all life forms and recognize our responsibility as custodians of Mother Earth. We must strive to cultivate a deep reverence for nature and incorporate sustainable practices into our daily lives. By doing so, we ensure a future where the sacred elements continue to nourish and sustain us.

Let us embrace the wisdom of the sacred elements and rekindle our connection with Mother Earth. Through our actions, let us become stewards of the Earth, protecting and cherishing the sacred elements for the well-being of present and future generations. Together, we can create a world where harmony, respect, and sustainability thrive.

Notice what you notice.

Allow summer to guide you to be in the flow of your life.

Find the sacred elements within you and all around you.

Upgrade you spiritual practice. 

Nothing stays the same and neither do you.

It is a time of spiriutal growth.

Thanks again for listening.

To your Spirit,


PS.. It’s my birthday month… offering Birthday Specials on my services.  Shapeshifting SoulWork are 25% off! The Summer Energy Special is 25% off: In-Person or Virtual and your Initial Energy Session: In Person or Virtual

July 20, 2024


Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader

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Sacred Elements – Mediation to Raise your Vibration




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