PORTALS: Energetic Doorways to Mystical Experiences Between Worlds

Are you ready to connect with sacred power places? 
Leading researcher Freddy Silva takes you on a mystical tour around the world to places on the land where the laws of physics behave differently and the perception of overlapping realities is both apparent and immediate.  

As one of the contributing authors, Terri Ann Heiman’s Soul was guided to the sacred sites of Teotihuacán, Mexico. There, she connected to a past life as a mystic in the Plaza of Tepantitla, awakening her to great healing.
A portal is a point of possibility, a step into a thousand journeys. Learn the proper way to interact with these energetic hotspots and identify the markers for the earth’s telluric currents to find your own places of power.

Begin your journey with Portals and find your opening in space and time to multiple levels of reality. 


$21.95 + shipping + tax = $33.80

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The Empowered Spirit Show

Portals of Energy with Freddy Silva