Welcome back to the Empowered Spirit Show. Thank you so much for tuning in and joining me today.

As this podcast goes to air, we continue to move through some of the most intense times in our history.

Fear…panic…quarantines, stay at home mandates are making us slow down, clean up our spaces and our vibration. 

It is a time that can be charted in the cosmos, although we didn’t quite know it would surface .

So, yes. It’s a big shift humanity is going through.

We just went through a new moon…starting a new cycle. This is the start of Spring, a time that normally is met with lots of excitement and a time that calls to our spirit and brings us outside. Yet here we are, inside with not much enthusiasm to plant new seeds.

Your Spirit is calling you to go within. To ask important questions and to listen to your own guidance as you find the way to see yourself through this.

My guest today is Lisa Erickson, author of Chakra Empowerment for Women. In this episode, we talk about how the chakras relate to many stages in a woman’s life and how, right now, in this time of uncertainty, we need to ground our energy in the first and second chakras.

Lisa Erickson is an energy worker specializing in women’s energetics and sexual trauma healing, and author of Chakra Empowerment for Women from Llewellyn Publishing. She helps women maximize and balance their energy during key life transits such as pregnancy, postpartum, perimenopause and menopause, including balancing the mother-child energy line. 

She also works with women to heal emotional wounds on an energy level from abuse and assault. 

She is certified in mindfulness meditation instruction and trauma sensitivity and has trained in a variety of healing modalities. She is a member of the International Association of Meditation Instructors, the American Holistic Health Association, the Energy Medicine Practitioners Association, and The Breathe Network, a non-profit dedicated to supporting holistic healing and healers for sexual trauma survivors. 

Lisa is passionate about helping any woman connect with their energy bodies. We’ll learn more today talking with her today about Chakra Empowerment for Women.

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As Lisa says, the chakras are available to anyone, anytime and there is tremendous value to working with them.

Stay Empowered!

To your Spirit,


PS…Schedule a Virtual Coffee and let’s chat!

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He helps thought leaders, influencers, executives, HR professionals, recruiters, lawyers, realtors, bloggers, coaches, and authors create, launch, and produce podcasts that grow their business and impact the world.

Find out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com

March 28, 2020


Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader

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Owning Your Energy in Times of Uncertainty with Lisa Erickson

Spiritual Authors


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