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As this podcast goes to air, we are in a lot of cosmic retrograde, the light of the moon is growing with a blue full moon coming in next week, and we entered it not the sun sign of Virgo. An Earth Element, helping to ground all the many shifts, changes, and growth of summer.
During these next few weeks, take some time to review your energy, clear away the old and make room for the new.
Late summer can leave you feeling worn out, tired. The body is recovering from the summer and preparing for fall. If you don’t work with the body to restore its energy, you may be feeling sluggish, have no energy, crave sweets, nervous eating, and resisting change.
Finding time for you is the place to begin. Getting quiet and spending time within yourself and Mother Earth is key..
Noticing your connection to Mother Earth reflects the connection you have with yourself and vice versa.
Are you too busy?
Are you taking time for you?
Are you honoring your place to create a beautiful sacred home for yourself and/or your family. Or do you keep these practices secret? Or maybe you don’t even have any personal practices.
Ready to connect with this part of you… learn spiritual tools and techniques….tune in to your intuition? Schedule a Spiritual Makeover Call with me and let’s talk about how you can honor the sacredness within you.
One of the things I’ve noticed about myself this summer, both kids getting married and coming back from the last trip to the Dreaming House in Teo, is that I am in a gap. That wheel of life is moving around for me. I am at a place of allowing the next phase of my life to open up… I’m dreaming a new existence.
Sometimes being in this gap can feel vulnerable and even lonely. Yet one thing that has been helping besides just being outside on Mother Earth is meditation. I’ve added in extra time for my practice especially when I start to feel these emotions.
By spending more time within myself, I am able to find an ease, and acceptance with myself. Even a greater patience to allow the journey to unfold. which is the subject on this week’s show with my guest, Dr. Shai Tubali. His latest book is the “Complete Book of Meditation: A Comprehensive Guide to Effective Techniques to Calm the Mind and Spirit.”
In this episode we talk about the many ways meditation can help, a tool for self-love, commitment, pausing, through your day, form, chakras, thoughts, addiction to your thoughts, and ways to discover the power of your own consciousness.
Dr Shai Tubali (PhD) is a philosopher, speaker and author, specializing in mysticism, self-transformation, and Eastern thought. In his writings and teachings, he skillfully combines Western philosophy and psychology and Eastern philosophy and practice into powerful processes of inner transformation. He is also the developer of several meditation-based coaching and therapeutic methods. Tubali’s numerous books have appeared internationally for the past three decades in 12 languages. His most prominent writings have been published by major publishers, and two have won awards in the United States and in Israel. Several of his books have become bestsellers, inspiring many thousands on their inner journeys of mental, emotional, and spiritual evolution.
Website YouTube Instagram Facebook Complete Book of Meditation TikTok

Important points:
- Osho
- Commitment to Spiritual Life
- TM Meditaion – mantra-based
- Ishaya’s Ascension
- Notice the- silence and profound peace of mind
- Distance from the busy mind
- Identify or not with the thoughts – you choose
- Meditation is taking a vacation from yourself, your story, and the world. Traveling into yourself.. into your heart
- Meditation is not to deny your troubles but to prepare yourself for action in the world.
- Foundation – rightly, peaceful action.
- Science shows it can help
- We don’t try to stop the thoughts but more about stopping to try to control the thoughts
- Acceptance of emotions as they appear.
- Remain uninvolved without manipulation or effort
- Less effort
- Put pause in there.
- The pause can help you prepare
- Begin with intention. The direction we give.
- Helps to focus
- The form you love.. sit up, lay down, walk… There are so many forms.
- Not something you should do.. your mind should be happy to do it.
- Enjoy it
- Experiment
- Can’t meditate
- Meditation is a relationship with self.
- Obstacle in all relationships
- Shouldn’t be afraid of having some difficulties
- A way to look at what makes you agitated.. in conflict with yourself
- It’s a form of self-learning
- It’s not a perfect practice – it’s a practice and a learning
Find gratification within the self. You are your own source of freedom.
There are so many ways to meditate. If one way doesn’t work for you, be curious and try something else.
But most importantly, make a commitment to show up for you.
The world moves fast. The power is in slowing down.
Be sure to check out the work Dr. Tubli’s work.
If you are ready to learn spiritual tools including meditation, reach out and schedule a complimentary Spiritual Makeover Breakthrough call with me. Click here.
Thanks again for listening.
To your Spirit,
Episode Credits:
Sound Engineer: Laarni Andres https://www.facebook.com/laarni.andres.7
August 26, 2023
Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader