The episode is being sponsored by Ritual + Shelter in Homewood, AL. Find them online or on Instagram at @ritualsheltershoppe.

As this podcast goes to air we are in the energy of this first new moon in July.  We are also in the sun sign of Cancer as well.  Cancer Season is all about slowing down long enough to feel the emotions we have conveniently avoided until now. It’s a time to be patient with ourselves, to receive soul nourishment, and to feel safe in the face of our own emotions.

Cancer’s energy represents many things. At the heart of it is the foundation for healing. Cancer teaches us to heal, restore, and replenish ourselves. To gain these gifts, we must be willing to feel. Feeling is the foundation for everything else Cancer’s energy provides us. We must feel to hear our intuition. We must feel to help others. We must feel to grow into the next version of ourselves. Feeling is the starting point for much of what we want to manifest.

The feeling encouraged by Cancer’s energy is raw, untamed, and primal. It’s the kind of feeling that makes you scream with joy and rage.  Cancer just wants us to feel. We don’t need to write a story about our feelings or explain their occurrence. We don’t need to fix them or make them go away. We just need to be present with them.

This New Moon which was on the 5th closely conjuncts Sirius – the brightest star in the sky. Sirius is known as the Dog Star, hence  the  term “Dog Days of Summer.”  Sirius and his appearance in the sky in July and August was associated with heat, fire and fever by the ancient Greeks from early on, as was his association with dogs; as the chief star in the constellation Canis Major, he was referred to as ‘the Dog’, which also referred to the entire constellation. The star is also associated with wealth and fame, although it is also viewed as protective.

So right now .. considering all that is going on, the star shining on us can feel more like a conservative vibration prevailing around this time.

I’ve noticed a feelng of stagnation in the Universee.  I’ve been woken up several days in a role with this message.. everyone is just hanging on.. holding tight.. kinda like the 4 of earth.. 4  of pentacles in the Tarot.  Holding on so tight we are tying our energy up instead of letting it circulate.

I see this with people calling me for help.. they want to make a change.. they are unhappy but afraid to try something different.. afraid to invest in themselves… so what happens?  They keep doing the same thing over and over thinking eventually it will work out. It may, but you know the famous Einsten quote… Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

The Universe is always spinning, and we must, too, continue to move and grow. I know there is a lot of uncertainty in the universe, but if we all wait to see what is going to happen, we lose our own empowerment and become victims. When we step out of the box, try a new technique or therapy, or change a routine, we allow ourselves to cocreate our lives.

We do this one step at a time by being present. We don’t allow the future to scare us or the past to bring in fear. We remain present, work with our energy field, and open up to new possibilities. We shapeshift our lives to align with our authentic self, our soul.

This is why I offer private mentoring programs.

Do you need help in slowing down to access the messages of your soul so that you can live your dreams and your purpose?  My private mentoring programs can help you tune into your soul, your purpose and where you are caught in the gap… I’ve expanded my offers and broken them down to meet you where you are and where you are wanting to open up in your life.

Schedule a Spiritual Upgrade Breakthrough Call with me, and let’s talk aobut how my programs can help you. Click here.  I can help you understand your gift and abilities and gain confidence along your path.   

My students are saying they understand their energy so much better… they aren’t taking on other people’s stuff, their intuition is growing, they aren’t holding on to old emotions and feeling happier in their lives.

Today’s episode is a great example of how you can use life’s difficulties as an opportunity to grow instead of becoming a victim of them. My guest is  Selina Maitreya. She shares a radical process of self-transformation, and  how to recognize and transform the difficulties and challenges you experience into opportunities to find deeper peace. Her brand new book, Raise Your Frequency, Transform Your Life is all about how to respond with love to life’s difficulties. In this episode, we talk about practical methods, exercises, and action steps to help you access and raise your inner vibration and build the foundation for a truly abundant life.

Selina Maitreya is a lecturer, author, and spiritual teacher. The creator of Clarion Call, an online conference of spiritual teachers, she is a founding member of the Manhattan Holistic Chamber of Commerce and a past board member of the Boston Theosophical Society. She lives in Arlington, Massachusetts.

Website Book Facebook Instagram Go Fund Me

Through simple, practical exercises, as well as inspiring transformational goals and action steps, Selina emphasizes the importance of accessing and raising your inner vibration. She introduces you to your energetic systems and teaches how to respond to any life difficulty—from a small irritation to a major life tragedy—using the energy of love rather than the energy of fear.

By focusing on energy frequencies, rather than thoughts or emotions, she demonstrates how working with the heart frequency can provide ways to understand, work through, and transform challenges that arise—better connecting you to the higher frequency state of your intuition.

As your personal vibration rises, you attract the people, situations, and events that align with your unique path toward creating and living an extraordinary life. 

You can shift your life when you choose to focus on the higher vibrations of LOVE. Selina Maitreya

Choose Love, your vibration will lift, and peace will follow.

Help Selena with her mission. Give to her Go Fund Me campaign to bring this work out into the world.

Thanks again for listening!

To your Spirit,


PS. Birthday Specials: Shapeshifting SoulWork are 25% off! The Summer Energy Special is 25% off: In-Person or Virtual and your Initial Energy Session: In Person or Virtual

July 6, 2024


Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader

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Raise your Frequency with Selina Maitreya




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