As this podcast goes to air, we’ve just moved through the energies of a New Moon in Taurus.

We’ve come out of the fires of Aries and into the grounding vibrations of Taurus.

Governed by Mother Earth herself, Taurus, in her purest form, connects us with nature. 

We must honor Mother Earth and the sacred elements of life. I believe this is one of the lessons of Covid19. 

We must return the respect for the Elements. Or we will be wearing these mask and drinking from bottled water forever. Is this what we want to leave to our children?

Taurus is thought to rule money and has even become analogous with the rise of wealth. The market…Wall Street. What will be the shifts here? Big question…right?!

With the energy of Venus, Taurus rules what we valued most; time with loved ones, connection with nature, and contentment with our life. What Taurus is actually representing is abundance, and abundance does not always mean financial wealth. 

All of this I talk about on the Energy Focus of the week, which you can find live on Sunday nights on Facebook or Instagram. Having the tools and techniques to rest, to pause and reset your energy is so vital.

If you are feeling inspired to learn more about your own spiritual practice, reach out. Download my free guide to setting up a practice, which you can find on my website.

In today’s episode, I have back on the show, Acharya Shunya. 

Acharya Shunya is a globally-recognized Vedic scholar, best-selling author of Ayurvedic Lifestyle Wisdom, and spiritual teacher of non-dual wisdom [Advaita Vedanta]. She has transformed the lives of thousands through her extensive knowledge of ancient Vedic Sanskrit texts. Moreover, she has used this wisdom to deeply examine her relationship with herself and the world. In doing so, she was able to overcome her own challenges, remove the veils of ignorance and awaken to a deeper truth, and abiding state of peace and contentment. 

Acharya Shunya is the first female lineage-holder from an ancient line of Vedic spiritual teachers from northern India. She was groomed in the study of Vedic scriptures for 14 years by her loving grandfather and guru, Baba Ayodhya Nath, (alongside regular schooling) and chosen amongst multiple male candidates as the first female spiritual leader of the lineage at the age of 24.

As a representative of this ancient Vedic lineage, she conveys the deepest scriptural wisdom in a manner relevant to modern western sensibilities while losing none of the original beauty, authenticity, purity, and power. Acharya Shunya’s non-dual universal teachings are directed toward people of all faiths seeking to realize their true potential. Her profound spiritual teachings change lives, enable abiding happiness, peace, and realization of the ultimate truth.  Her students describe her as a catalyst for awakening, a beacon of light that illuminates the path on the journey from powerlessness to powerful. Students consistently remark at her gift of delivering profound wisdom eloquently, within the context of easy to remember, practical application.

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In this episode, we talk about so many things:

  • Emotional and mental health

  • Milking the cow of darkness

  • Creating a spiritual practice

  • Sunrise ritual

  • Karmic punishment

  • Estrangement from our dharma

  • A greater cosmic reset

  • Plugging into Mother Nature

  • Resetting your energy with simple practices of Ayurveda

  • Acts of kindness

The act of seeing the darkness move into light can help you to replace any darkness you may be feeling.

The outer sky represents your inner sky.

Allow the rising sun to ignite your internal flame.

Finding a way for you to connect to your Spirit and making some simple yet powerful changes in your lifestyle will help you through these challenges times.

Time to learn to raise your vibration, to ask important questions and to listen, deeply.

Venture into your own unconscious fears, needs, desires, and dreams and see what your Spirit has to offer you at this time.

Reach out if you need help. Schedule a Virtual Coffee and see what’s up for you.

To your Spirit,



PS…Schedule a Virtual Coffee here.

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If you like this podcast and are thinking of creating your own, consider talking to my producer, Danny Ozment.

He helps thought leaders, influencers, executives, HR professionals, recruiters, lawyers, realtors, bloggers, coaches, and authors create, launch, and produce podcasts that grow their business and impact the world.

Find out more at https://emeraldcitypro.com

April 25, 2020


Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader

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Lifestyle Wisdom for Challenging Times with Acharya Shunya

Spiritual Authors


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