This episode is sponsored by Ritual + Shelter. Are you looking for a magical place to shop and hold space? Check out Ritual+Shelter online or in Homewood, Alabama. Browse through their bookshelves covering topics such as Energy Healing, Crystal Healing, Reiki, Chakras, Auras, Accessing the Akashic Records, Shadow Work, Astrology, and Earth Based Healing.

You can also find herbal teas and tinctures alongside crystals and oils to help establish a mindful mindset and fluid ambiance before meditation, ritual work, and reflection.

Ritual+Shelter is dedicated to providing one-on-one, in-depth conversations with customers to help them find the most efficient healing methods and resources that match their unique interests and energy. They offer Tarot Sessions, Reiki, Sound Bowl, and Crystal Healing. Visit ritualshelter.com to book an appointment and bring peace back to the body, mind, and spirit. Instagram: ritualsheltershoppe

As this podcast goes to air, we are in the eclipse portal of energy. The full moon is on Tuesday, September 17th, at 9:34 p.m. in the sign of Pisces. Deep and sensitive, it carries significant energy, often associated with emotional release, intuition, and spirituality. Full moons are moments of culmination and clarity, while eclipses tend to bring about sudden changes, revelations, or endings.

During this particular event, the Pisces influence enhances themes related to dreams, creativity, compassion, and emotional depth. Individuals may experience heightened sensitivity, making it a potent time for introspection and healing. It can also encourage letting go of past emotional baggage and adopting a more intuitive approach to life.

This energy may manifest in various ways, including the resolution of emotional issues, increased creativity, and a deeper connection to one’s spiritual path. It’s an excellent time for meditation, artistic expression, and exploring one’s inner world. However, remaining grounded is essential, as the emotional waves can be intense.

This eclipse happens as we prepare for the new season. As we make this transition, we bring with us the growth from the summer. What does that mean for me? 

As I have talked about, for me, it was a lot of unseen growth, not the outward signs we normally expect to see. My growth was deep within, which helped me ground in my soul’s purpose and reestablish my soul contract.

When our soul wanders, it can be draining.. uncertainty, self-esteem can drop in trying to please others.

One of the things I learned from this “adventure” was the worth that I bring to myself and to my community. Once I understood that, everything shifted. I found myself grounded in my soul and ready to harvest all my teachings and step forward in renewed faith for this new season.

What is it for you? What energy drain takes you away from valuing your energy, time, and light?

In a recent quiz, The Dark Side of Energy Drains, the #1 drain was the people-pleaser, followed by a close second to the wandering soul, and then the martyr.

People pleasing can have several downsides, especially if you don’t have good energy boundaries”

1. Loss of Authenticity: Constantly trying to meet others’ expectations can lead to a loss of self-identity and authenticity. Individuals may neglect their own needs and desires to gain approval.

2. Emotional Exhaustion: Trying to please everyone can be mentally and emotionally draining, leading to burnout, anxiety, and stress.

3. Resentment: Over time, people-pleasers may feel resentment towards those they aim to please, as they might feel their efforts are unappreciated or taken for granted.

4. Difficulty Setting Boundaries: People pleasers often struggle to set healthy boundaries, which can lead to being taken advantage of or overwhelmed by commitments.

And more..

Overall, while wanting to please others can stem from kindness, it’s essential to balance this with self-care and authenticity to maintain healthy relationships and personal well-being. 

These are just a few examples… want to know more?

Join me in my next masterclass, The Aura of a People-Pleaser, where we will look at this energy drain, and I will offer you ways to work energetically with your aura to break this draining habit and monetize your energy better. 

When the subtle energies are aligned with what you want, they will work for you.  

You will start to draw health, opportunities, people, money, clients or anything you want into your life with a lot more ease.

This will allow you to work less while having more impact and attracting great clients into your business. It will help you become healthier, stronger, more powerful, and empowered.

Monetizing Your Energy is my next online class coming this fall, but first we have to understand these energy drains.

In today’s episode, I wanted to offer a channeled meditation to set the energy of this new season of fall. 

As I teach from the Medicine Wheel, Fall is found in the direction of the West. The qualities are gratitude, harvest, and the cycles of life. The element is Earth.

West is home to the Thunder-Beings. The wings produce thunder, and lightning flashes from the eyes. The bird-like being stands against evil and ensures the respect of others.

Autumn is at once symbolic of plenty, ripening, harvest, and abundance. At the same time, it is a symbol of decay, decline, old age, and even death, with associations of things being passed their prime.

The entire autumn season is a time of melancholy, grief, and preparation. The days get shorter and darker. The fields that are alive with earth’s abundance will soon be plowed. The outward, gregarious energies of the year reach their climax.

Bear Energy is a grounding force full of endurance and strength. Bear medicine emphasizes the importance of solitude, quiet time, and rest.

Bear Spirit is the energy of courage that replenishes you with power. This animal will take you through any challenging situation with your head up, and it will remain to lick your wounds and make you whole again.

Take a pause and follow the channeled meditation to guide you into the new season.

Autumn leaves shower like gold, like rainbows, as the winds of change begin to blow.” 

Feel In every leaf, the whisper of autumn’s magic.

Smell autumn dancing in the breeze.

In the local area… two opportunites to join me in this transtional energy of light.

Saturday, Sept 21 – Sacred Reiki Circle at the Yoga Lab.. 5:00pm – 6:15pm. We will come together in meditation and to experience the energy of reiki.  No experience necessary. And if you are already attuned, please come and help create this community with us.

Sunday, Sept 22 – Equinox Celebration at the Yoga Circle along with Dawn Cassizzi from 4-5:30.  Cosmic energy, yoga, sound bath, meditation, and Reiki. 

Fall is about coming together in a community with thanksgiving.

Thanks again for listening.

To your Spirit,


PS… Schedule a Spiritual Upgrade Breakthrough Call with me and let’s look at the #1 thing draining your energy.

September 14, 2024


Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader

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Channeled Message: Fall Energy




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