The Light Body in 5D Consciousness

Many years ago, when I lived in NY, my very first spiritual teacher had a bumper sticker on her car that said, “My other vehicle is a MerKaBa,” accompanied by a symbol of a figure sitting in a double tetrahedron.

I would ask what that meant, and she would respond, “It’s your light body; it’s how you travel into the higher dimensions.” She even gave me a bumper sticker for my car.

At that time, I was new to the world of metaphysics and the “woo” and didn’t fully grasp the meaning. The internet wasn’t around, and the only way to learn was to sit with her in meditation. It wasn’t until many meditations later, after learning Reiki and studying color harmonics, that I began to understand what she meant.

The concept of the “light body” is often discussed in spiritual and metaphysical circles, particularly in relation to higher dimensions of consciousness, such as the fifth dimension (5D). As humanity continues to evolve toward greater awareness and understanding, the light body serves as a vital aspect of this transformation.

What is the Light Body?

The light body is often described as an energetic counterpart to the physical body. It is composed of subtle energy fields, including the aura and chakras, and is believed to vibrate at higher frequencies than our physical form. This higher vibrational energy is associated with spiritual awakening, enlightenment, and an expanded state of consciousness.

In many spiritual traditions, the light body is seen as a manifestation of our true essence, connecting us to the universe and the divine. It encompasses our spiritual, emotional, and mental aspects, allowing us to experience multidimensionality and a deeper connection to life itself.

Through my study of color and many months of sitting in my Reiki room with color projected onto me, I began to feel the vibrations of color through my subtle body. Eventually, I started to see the colors of my chakras and aura, realizing this must be my light body that I had ignited. Having a teacher to acknowledge these feelings was a true blessing, helping me confirm and validate this concept. In other words, I wasn’t crazy!

The Shift to 5D Consciousness

Now, many moons later, humanity is recognizing this transition into 5D consciousness. We are moving away from the limitations of the third dimension (3D), characterized by duality, fear, and separation. In contrast, 5D consciousness is marked by unity, love, and a profound sense of interconnectedness. This shift invites us all to embrace our light bodies, fostering spiritual growth and self-awareness.

COVID caused a significant disruption in our energy fields, allowing the universal energy of fear to block the higher vibrations that many of us had been embracing. During this time, I felt lost and abandoned, especially after experiencing a near-death event that caused my soul to splinter, as I’ve previously shared. However, with guidance from various teachers during my journey of soul recovery, I was able to realign with my light body. Throughout this process, I maintained my practices of meditation, working with color and light, and utilizing energy techniques. Then, one miraculous day, my heart opened, and I awoke to the profound sensation of living and breathing through my light body once again. This time, it wasn’t limited to my meditation practice; it became a daily experience, enriching my everyday life.

I came to realize that my light body was never truly lost; it was merely obscured by heavy energy that suppressed it.

In 5D, I experience heightened intuition, empathy, and creativity. My heart opens more and more each day, releasing the fear and worry of life. The light body plays a crucial role in this transformation, allowing us to access higher levels of consciousness and spiritual insights. It serves as a bridge between our physical existence and the vast spiritual realms, facilitating our journey toward self-realization and enlightenment.

Activating Your MerKaBa Light Body

Activating your light body requires intention, awareness, and dedicated practices. Here are some steps to help you begin this journey:

1. Meditation: Regular meditation is one of the most effective ways to connect with your light body. It allows you to quiet the mind, raise your frequency, and tune into your inner self. Focus on visualizing light surrounding and filling your body.

2. Energy Healing: Practices such as Reiki, sound healing, and crystal therapy can help clear blockages and balance your energy centers. These modalities align your physical and energetic bodies, promoting the activation of your light body.

3. Grounding: Grounding is essential for maintaining balance as you increase your vibrational frequency. Spend time in nature, practice mindfulness, and engage in activities that connect you to the Earth.

4. Healthy Lifestyle: Nourish your body with whole foods, stay hydrated, and engage in regular physical activity. A healthy body supports a vibrant light body, making it easier to access higher states of consciousness.

5. Awareness and Intention: Cultivate an awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Set the intention to connect with your light body daily, and be open to the experiences and insights that arise.

Embracing the Journey

The journey of awakening the MerKaBa light body in 5D consciousness is deeply personal and transformative. As you explore this path, remember that each individual’s experience is unique. Embrace the process with patience and compassion for yourself and others.

The activation of the light body opens doors to profound spiritual growth, enabling us to live more authentically and harmoniously. As we collectively raise our consciousness and embrace our light bodies, we contribute to the creation of a new paradigm of love, unity, and peace on our planet.

The light body is a powerful aspect of our spiritual evolution, especially as we transition into the higher vibrations of 5D consciousness. By nurturing and activating our light bodies, we can unlock our true potential and embark on a transformative journey toward self-discovery and enlightenment.

The conversation continues on The Empowered Spirit Show with my guest Maureen St. Germain, Living Your Best 5D Life.

October 2, 2024


Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader

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Unlocking the Merkaba Mystery…




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