A Channeled Meditation for the New Season

As we transition into the vibrant season of Fall, it’s important to take a moment to reconnect with ourselves and the energies that surround us. This time of year is not just about the changing leaves and cooler temperatures; it’s a reminder that we are loved, guided, and protected by forces greater than ourselves.

Create Your Sacred Circle

Begin by envisioning a sacred circle of light around you, a protective barrier that invites in positive energy. Call upon the Ascended Masters, Teachers, and Angels, asking them to fill your heart with joy and love. Invite the Crystal beings to join you, amplifying this energy and bringing a sense of amusement to your meditation.

Connect with Your Higher Self

Call in your higher self to align just above your crown. Take a deep inhale, expanding your breath all around you. As you exhale, feel yourself breathing back in, connecting deeply with your heart. Inhale again, drawing energy from above, and as you exhale, call in absolute light and streams of grace to flow through you.

Grounding in the Element of Earth

As we settle into this new season, we recognize that the essence of Fall is grounded in the Earth element. Imagine grounding yourself with Mother Earth beneath you as you access the wisdom that surrounds you. Feel that same grounding deep within your soul.

Notice the cycles of life and the changes that come with the season. Embrace the struggles and transitions, allowing yourself to drop deeper into your heart, recognizing that this season is a time for reflection and growth.

Embrace the Abundance of Autumn

Autumn symbolizes the ripening of harvest, abundance, and plenty. Let this energy open your heart to all that you’ve created this year. Feel the warmth of gratitude as you acknowledge your achievements. Imagine autumn leaves showering down like golden rain, each leaf whispering the magic of the season. 

Breathe in the rich scents of Fall, allowing your senses to awaken to the abundance that Mother Earth provides. Honor the growth you’ve experienced and the seeds you’ve planted in previous seasons.

Invoking Animal Totems

As we meditate on this abundance, call upon your sacred animal totems for guidance. Bear energy comes forth, representing protection and nurturing. Envision enveloping yourself in a bear hug, feeling the warmth and security that allows you to open your heart fully. 

As you sit in this energy, reflect on what you have harvested this year. Consider the deeper aspects that may be unseen, the simple pleasures that life offers, and the importance of slowing down to appreciate them.

Set Your Intention

As the days grow shorter, allow the spirit of the season to pull you inward. This is a time to hear, see, and feel the cycles of your life. As the leaves fall and return to the Earth, embrace the awareness that Earth’s abundance will sustain you.

Take a moment to reflect on the climax of your efforts this year. Inhale deeply, pulling all of your experiences into your heart. Feel the protective energy of Bear surrounding you, inviting you to shine your light and be a messenger of love for your community.

Final Reflections

Take another deep inhale, pausing in your heart space before exhaling fully. Set an intention for the season ahead, recognizing the value you bring to yourself and those around you. Allow yourself to learn from any obstacles you encounter, and embrace the growth that comes from these lessons.

Visualize yourself playing in the leaves, celebrating the harvest of your hard work. Breathe deeply, aligning your heart with your purpose, and radiate this energy out into the world.

As you conclude your meditation, feel the golden light of your energy body illuminating your path. Open your eyes when you’re ready, bringing the grounding message of this meditation into your daily life. Embrace the love and guidance that surrounds you this Fall, and let it nourish your spirit as you move forward.

Continue this journey into Fall on The Empowered Spirit Show with this channeled meditation.

September 18, 2024


Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader

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Embracing the Energy of Fall




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