Grounded in My Soul

In the midst of life’s chaos, I felt profoundly lost. Yet, through a transformative journey, I found my way back to my Soul.

In today’s whirlwind world, it’s common to feel detached and aimless. The constant rush can obscure our sense of purpose, leaving us longing for something deeper. Yet, within this noise, there lies an opportunity to reconnect with what truly matters.

I firmly believe that each of us arrives in this life with a Soul Contact—an inner compass guiding us to contribute meaningfully and create lasting memories beyond mere material accumulation.

But what occurs when we stray from this purpose, lose our way, or feel we’ve completed our mission?

Have you ever experienced a profound sense of wandering? Not just physically, but within your very Soul? Such feelings of uncertainty can surface at various life stages, prompting us to reevaluate our path and purpose.

The Search for Purpose

Each of us carries a unique purpose, a guiding star that illuminates our journey and allows us to contribute meaningfully to the greater good through our Soul Contract. Yet, the pressures of daily life can easily distract us from this mission. We may find ourselves caught up in the pursuit of material possessions or conforming to societal expectations, losing sight of the deeper essence of our existence.

Engaging with our purpose often requires stepping outside our comfort zones—embracing uncertainty and taking risks.

In the quest for purpose, we must also recognize the importance of resilience. Setbacks and challenges are inevitable, but they serve as valuable lessons that guide our growth. By embracing these experiences, we strengthen our resolve and deepen our understanding of what truly matters to us.

The Journey to Self-Discovery

Throughout my time as a spiritual teacher and counselor, I have witnessed countless individuals embark on their quest for purpose. This journey often requires deep introspection, posing challenging questions, and connecting with our inner wisdom. Techniques like meditation, journaling, Reiki, and quiet reflection can help us tune into our authentic selves, uncovering insights that might be buried beneath the clamor of everyday life.

So, what happens when we feel adrift, even while following the prescribed paths? The experience can be disheartening and bewildering. We may grapple with feelings of emptiness or restlessness, sensing ourselves drifting without direction.

I encountered this reality as well.

In my own experience, I sensed that I had fulfilled my initial purposes; my parents had transitioned, and my children were both now married. The world had shut down. My purpose felt lost. My Soul felt abandoned from the contracts I had been living. I felt like a wanderer, questioning everything around me. My mentors reassured me that this phase was an opportunity for growth and transformation. I understood their words, yet the uncertainty of each day weighed heavily on me. There were times I wanted to give up because I couldn’t understand my purpose anymore.

From the depths of the void, creation emerges, but the void can often feel fearful or even suffocating. Trust becomes essential. There were days of sitting in darkness, trying not to be afraid of my own shadows. Meditations of staring in a black mirror speaking to my Soul, asking for guidance. Through this asking, there was a shift. I distinctly remember the moment when the dark void transitioned into a light-filled expanse. Though still formless, the fear dissipated, prompting me to explore beyond my familiar boundaries.

The Quest

My quest led me to Santa Fe, a destination on my bucket list and an opportunity to gain a fresh perspective on life. With no expectations, I ventured westward, immersing myself in the land’s energy, the vibrant colors of the desert, and the Native American Corn Dances at the Pueblo of Cochiti.

These dances awakened my Spirit, allowing me to feel the resilience and strength of community. It was like I passed through an energetic portal, fully absorbing the customs, music, food, attire, and culture around me. Witnessing these enduring traditions stirred profound questions about my own existence and the customs I held in my community.

Upon returning home, I found myself supporting a beloved elder in my community during her final days. She had become a maternal figure for me, welcoming me into her family after my mother passed away. Additionally, she mentored me in the temple where I grew up, teaching me about the rites of a Jewish burial through the Chevra Kadisha, a sacred society dedicated to honoring the deceased with dignity in accordance with Jewish law.

Now I am Found

In those moments of support, I began to recognize the purpose I had been seeking—it resided within me all along. No more wandering was necessary; I only needed to be present to my Soul. This realization marked a turning point in my life, a shift from the relentless pursuit of external validation to an inward journey of self-discovery. 

As I embraced this newfound awareness, I found myself becoming more attuned to the whispers of my heart and the quiet nudges of my intuition. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing the vibrant tapestry of my true essence. I was reminded that purpose is not a distant goal to be achieved but a state of being to be cultivated. It flourished in the moments of stillness when I allowed myself to exist, to feel, and to connect with the world around me.

This grounding experience allowed me to appreciate the love and support of a community I had previously kept at arm’s length. I had often viewed these connections through a lens of uncertainty. Yet, as I opened my heart, I discovered a profound sense of belonging. The warmth of genuine relationships enveloped me, inviting me to embrace the support that had always been there, patiently waiting for my acknowledgment.

By acknowledging the love surrounding me, I discovered the love within my own Soul, guiding me to my purpose. This self-love became a powerful catalyst for transformation. It encouraged me to embrace my imperfections and celebrate my uniqueness. I began to understand that my purpose was intricately woven into the fabric of my relationships—each interaction, each shared laugh, and even each moment of silence held significance. 

As I nurtured these connections, I found inspiration in the stories and experiences of those around me. I learned that purpose often thrives in collaboration and shared goals, where individual strengths come together to create something greater. This realization ignited a passion within me to contribute to my community, to uplift others, and to be a source of support in return.

In this journey, I also discovered the importance of gratitude. I began to shift my perspective from scarcity to abundance. I learned to appreciate the small moments—the laughter of friends, the beauty of nature, and the kindness of a thank you. Each acknowledgment of these gifts deepened my connection to my purpose, reminding me that life itself is an intricate dance of love, support, and purpose intertwined.

Ultimately, my quest became less about seeking a singular definition of purpose and more about embracing the journey itself. It taught me that purpose is not a destination but a continuous unfolding of who I am and how I choose to engage with the world. By being present to my Soul, I not only found my own purpose but also became a catalyst for others to embark on their journeys of self-discovery, weaving a collective narrative of love and connection that uplifts us all.

This conversation continues on The Empowered Spirit Show with my guest, Kate Herrera Jenkins from the Pueblo of Cochiti.

September 10, 2024


Spiritualist - Author - Podcaster
Energy Medicine Teacher
Private Mentor
Akashic Reader

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Rediscovering Purpose in a Chaotic World




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